Garrence (yes a real story thing)

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[Garroths POV]

Beep beep beep!!!

I groaned as I hit snooze on my alarm clock. I sat up in bed and yawned.

I look around my dull room, I noticed how many boxes I still have to unpack, and how many pieces of furniture I had to assemble later.

I got out of bed lazily and took a nice hot shower before putting on my school uniform.

I miss my old school, we didn't need uniforms! Yay look at me get upset on my first day as a freshmen at my new school!!

I went downstairs to see vylad and zane. Zane was quietly complaining like normal while vylad was eating.

I sat down and ate myself. After I ate I put all the dishes in the dishwasher and packed for school.

I hope everyone here is kinder than the people at Okasis Prep.

"Garroth... are you alright?"

Vylad looked at me with concern in his eyes, I smiled back a little and nodded to try to make him believe I was alright, but I wasnt.

Everyone would bully me and my brothers but they were stronger than me.

I would skip class, my grades were horrible and I just couldn't sleep so I couldn't focus properly, I couldn't eat at all, it took so much energy to eat and I didn't have energy, it was just hell.

Zane was also concerned about me, even if he never shows it, he always tells me he worry about me, and it makes me smile somtimes.

"Alright let's go you two! I wanna get this over with, I doubt it will be different."

"Zane, try to be positive, for Garroths sake?"

I could hear Vylad tell zane.

We started walking to our school, i noticed vylad saw someone, well not at first but when he was drooling I could tell he saw someone.

I looked vylad direction and I saw 3 guys.

One Bluenette, a guy with white hair... and a ver- A GUY WITH BROWNHAIR! I WASN'T GONNA SAY ANYTHING ELSE!

damn my gay is coming out, well not as much as Vylads gayness.

I noticed the guys looked over and waved, I waved back, Zane just scoffed and Vylad was waving like a madman.

"Vylad." I whispered in vylads ear.


"Who you looking at? ;)"

Vylad turned away, he pulled up his scarf trying to hide his blush. How cute!

Zane was long gone by then, he got mad and hurried away.

I looked back, I smiled as I was trying to think which guy vylad was crushing on.

I soon felt a tug pulling me back.



I kept staring, why am I staring?


I snapped my head at vylad wide eyes.


"Pay attention! I can't lose you brother! Also to... to answer your question... i-i like the b-blue haired guy....."

"Why not go talk to him then?"

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