Garrance part 1

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-Laurances POV-

It was finally spring, school will end in a month and I'll be done!

Except for college.... dang I gotta apply for one soon or I'm screwed, like major screwed!

The past 4 years were just horrible, well 3 if I didn't count this year.

My friends found out I was gay and started to ignore me and treat me differently.

They blocked me on social media, messaged me to just go die, call me names when ever they see me, egg my house alot, and they tell everyone that I'm gay.

There is only one person who doesn't know, or does know but is fine with it.

Garroth Ro'Meave.

I met Garroth online and found out he lives near by and he is home schooled.

I told him about my friends and he follows them on social media and stuff but I don't think we have all hung out together and we won't ever.

My mum tells me to ignore them but it's hard where they throw notes at you and other stuff.

I always thought that my friends would accept me... but I was wrong and it made me depressed.

The only reason I'm not dead is because I love my mum and I have an amazing friend.

-Garroth and Laurance texting-

Gar: Hey, Laurance! Wanna hang out?

Laur: Sure...

Gar: Whats wrong?

Laur: please don't tell okay?

Gar: Laurance... your kinda worrying me... you ok?

Laur: I'm gay...

*Laurances phone ring*


"Laurance... I know you are... aphmau told me, she didn't want me to be friends with you! When I refused to listen she got everyone to block and ignore me, I don't care about you're sexuality! You are Laurance! Who cares if your gay? As long as you keep being my friend I will be your's!"

"Garroth... T-Thanks but you don't have to do this..."

"I want to!"


"Now are you going to come over or not?"

"Yeah yeah I'm coming."

-call ends-

I pulled a hood over my head and walked to Garroths place, his family is kind of rich so he lives in a big house.

*knock knock*

"Hold on!"

I waited for the door to open...

I waited 5 minutes...

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