Nervous encounters and Backstorys

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THIS CHapter has touchy subjects in it like self harm if you do not like do not read please... If it has this (#) around it it has the touchy subject ok? Ok!

Your POV
You were singing fs/l (favorite song lyrics) and tapping your unoccupied hand on your phone.

You saw the coffee shop and imeditly started freaking out. You couldnt see Jack or Mark but you could see s/n from outside. She must be talking to them right now. You were so nervous that your phone was shaking in your hand. You were about to meet the person..
who stopped you from putting yourself in the hospital...

Jacks POV
I have the picture of s/n pulled up on my phone, as soon as I look up, I see her sitting at a window seat.

I look up from my phone and see a familiar green haired man walking towards me.

Hey are you s/n? He asked

Yes I am and I'm guessing your Sean? I said with a smile and an eyebrow raised

He laughed and whispered said what gave it away?  I laughed

Oh! Please. sit. I said gesturing to the other side of the booth.

Hey Jack, go ahead I'm gonna order us coffee. The red haired guy said which I'm guessing is Mark.

Ok!!! But put my name as Billy! Jack said. I'm guessing to make sure no one knows who he is. Or maybe because he's a dork... Yeah probably that..
After Mark left Jack took out a gray and white benie and put it on his head. Only a little bit of his lime green hair could be seen from the front.


I sat acrossed from s/n, took out my beanie and put it on. Hopefully no one will notice me..
I love my fans but some go really crazy..

Ok this is gonna sound really cheesy and you probably hear this everyday but thank you...

Y/n sister spoke up. I looked her sc/e eyes. She looked liked she had something really important to say to me.
I chuckled.
Thank you for the compliment, but I thought you didnt watch my videos? 

I don't watch your videos alot because I'm always busy with college and stuff, but my sister on the other hand... She laughed after finishing her sentence. The "thank you" was for y/n...

She looked me straight in the eyes. Hers were now filled with sorrow.

Um y/n...
Went through alot of stuff. These past years.. She doesnt like to talk about it.
Our father hurt y/n

She started to get choked up.
Just as I was about to say something. Mark came back with our drinks.

Ok a black coffee for you and a frapichino for me.

I said my thanks and spoke up.

Uh s/n was just about to tell us about y/n's backstory.. But its ok if you don't want to continue. I want to, but please dont feel bad for her. She'll feel like the only reason you want to talk to her is because of what happened... She said quickly

Of course I said reasuring her.

Like I said before our dad hurt y/n
She was 16 and was going to a friends house to study. I insisted on taking her but she said she could take care of herself. It was getting dark and I was worried for her. About two hours later I was panicking she was supposed to be home an hour earlier.

Also s/n POV


Sweetheart, calm down your sister will be home. She probably just fell asleep at bff/N's house.  My mom said calm as breeze on a summer day.

Wait! I have bff/n's number. ILL CALL HER!!!

It rang for a minuite then someone answered.
Oh! Hey s/n
Good you picked up! Is y/n there???
No she left an hour ago. Is she not there!? I shou-

By then I had dropped,my phone tears forming in my eyes. It takes ten minuites for y/n to get home from bff/n's house...

S/n? Honey whats wrong?! Is y/n ok!?!?

Just then moms phone rang.
Its unknown...
I knew what we were both thinking. Someone took y/n. They want something in return for her safety.


Its was two,months before I saw her again..
My dad kept y/n in a cold dark basement. She got old stale food once every day. She had to live worse than a dog that isnt taken care of..
I talked really quietly without even noticing.

What happened?? Jack asked hesitently

My father wanted her college money that we've been saving up since she was 3. He wasn't a good guy at all, in and out of jail alot. Stuff like that..

(#)He put us on a video call, and had a gun to her head.
He Said ,if we didnt give it to him hed shoot her and we would be next"(#)

the police came and for a while y/n wouldn't talk, but when she got home She acted fine, behaved like she used to. Like nothing even happened.

Thats when she started to get bullied.
Everyone said that she faked being kidnapped and everything was a hoxe because they still didnt reveal who did it.

(#)So she started cutting. I didn't know about it until a month after she started.(#)

I had tears in my eyes. I looked at both if them.

Jack do you remember when you published that first animation video on your channel?

Yeah! It was by an channel named Zzyla!

I giggled that was my sisters old channel. You uploaded it at 9:18 pm on december 15, 2014.

(#)She was going to take a whole bottle of pills, and jump,in our pool. In Decmber(#)

Then you and Mark uploaded that video and sent those tweets out.
"Thank you to the lovely Zzyla for making an amazing animation for me! I hope you make more!!!!"

She came bursting into my room crying and told me everything..

She told me that she was so happy that people actually cared about her passion and it was two youtubers she really looked up to. She stopped believing all those stupid things other people said. And hasnt missed either of your guys videos since...

Jack POV

After s/n told her sisters story all I could say was


I hoped you guys liked this chapter. It was 1150 words. I'm sorry if I got some touchy subjects, I should know...
But! This isnt about me its about you guys the audince I love. I couldn't wait to publish this. I got home early and decided to write!!! Yaya!!!
Anyway thank you for reading and I will see all you dudes in the next chapter!!!! Bye lovelies!!!

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