Ask from i_ship_boyf_riends

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Jeremy: *spits out milk he was drinking* w- what the hell are y- you talking about.

Michael: *looks away*

Jeremy: Michael...?

Michael: I we umm... atthehalloweenpartyafteryoucalledmealoserihadapanicattackandikindasortasaidiwishedthatikilledmyselfinsteadofgoingtothepartybutitsokayiforgiveyouandiloveyou! (Translation: At the Halloween party after you called me a loser I had a panic attack and kinda sorta said I wished that i killed myself instead of going to the party. But it's okay! I forgive you and I love you!)

Jeremy: *shaky inhale (he be crying)* oh my god Michael. I'm so sorry! I had no idea, if i knew you would of felt that way I would have never taken the mother freaking squip! I love you too much! I'm so so sorry!

Michael: It's okay! It's okay. You ought to have known at some point. I think we should go cuddle and watch a movie. Ok?

Jeremy: O- okay.

//AnGsT! Woooooo! -Naty//

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