Caught Up In The Act

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(Yay I have good news! I might be able to update the story every Thursday and probably Sunday as well!! Enjoy!)

~Contains: Smut, Cussing, and rape~

Mike's POV

ugh....My head hurts...Where's Vincent?

Mike opens his eyes and sits up, but he freezes stiff seeing a strange man enter his bedroom. He closed the door behind locking it with a click.

"Hello, Mikey~" Richard cooed. "I have found you...and now I will play with you~"

Mike felt a shiver run down his whole body, goosebumps and his face draining of color.

Oh God! No escape....He's....gonna rape me....I just know it....

Richard get a wicked evil grin and starts moving toward Mike.

Mike makes fists with his hands.

Richard's POV

Richard licks lips moving towards Mike. his moves slow and calculated. Richard starts to Remove his tie and reaches Mike who just sits on the edge of the bed immobile. When Richard is standing above Mike in front of him, Mike looks up at Richard and visibly gulps. Richard then puts his hands out for Mike's hands.

"Are you being complacent?~" Richard cooed curiously.

Mike slowly gives him his hands as Richard uses his tie to bind Mike's wrists.

"...It's not like...I can do anything..." Mike says almost muttering.

"Well, a little resistance is always sexy~" Richard purrs.

When Richard stands up, Mike Lifts his leg and kicks Richard in the dick,

"ARgh!!!!" Richard Roars grabbing his crotch dropping to one knee.

Mike quickly jumps up and runs to the door and unlocks it. when he enters the living room he shouts, "VINCENT!!!"

Vincent's POV

Ah fuck me....the pain is insufferable.... -pulls out knife- -winces-

"VINCENT!!!!" Vincent hears Mike shout.

"Arugh!..." was all Vincent could muster.

Mike looks over at the wall first seeing a huge hole then down at the ground at a bloody beaten to death Vincent.

"Dear God!!" Mike says worried.

With bound wrists mike tries to lift Vincent's head to face him. Mike tried to kiss Vincent on the lips but Vincent winced and he had to break it off.

"Sorry!" Mike said softly.

Vincent could only grin at Mikey, only to wince again.

They look into each others eyes with such convention and loving capacity.

Richard comes running out of the room and looks at the two against the wall. Richard Pushes Mike aside and punches Vincent in his bruised shoulder.

Estranged Love MikeyXVincentWhere stories live. Discover now