Old Aquatints!

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(This will be under construction so pls bear with me)

Its early morning and Mikey and Vincent are laying in bed together cuddling with Mike as little spoon and Vincent as big spoon. Vincent is nuzzling Mike's neck while, Mike can feel the hairs on Vincent's chin tickle him slightly. A soft chuckle escapes Mike's lips and he grins loving the embrace.

"Mmm...hmm" Vincent mindlessly mutters in his sleep.

Mike gently looks over his shoulder and looks back at Vincent. Who happens to be undisturbed at the moment. Mike lays on his back and Vincent immediately lays on Mike's chest while Mike holds onto Vincent's shoulder. Mike is staring up at the ceiling contemplation struck him and he thinks over all the stuff that has happened between the two.

Sighs...geez...He's one crazy fucker i'll give him that...Mike thinks in his head. 

Mike can feel his cock stiffening feeling Vincent's already morning wood.
"Hello Mikey..." Vince says groggy.

Their eyes meet as Vince lifted his head and they stared at each other for minute. Vince then leans forward kissing Mike's lips. For a moment things were good and hopeful...

Till that faithful ring...

There's a phone call...

Vince and Mike look at each other and Vince pipes up. "Your phone Mikey~"

Mike scoots over to the bedside table to retrieve his cell and answers.

"Is Vincent there with you?" Came a deep sultry voice of authority.

"Uh... Yeah.... Why? Who's this?" Mike face growing weary of this conversation.

Vince is looking at Mike perplexed and curious.

"Tell him his good friend is coming to see him."

Mike looks at Vince confused and tell me what the stranger said. Vince then grows pale, his complexion ghostly and his eye wide. Mike went to ask what's the matter but got interrupted by the stranger...
"(Strange bold laughter is heard) don't worry things have a way of showing up and coming together" ~click~

Mike was speechless at the comment made and noticed Vincent got up and locked himself in the bathroom. Mike then gets up and knocks on the door.

"Uh Vince.... You ok?" Mike asked totally confused.

Mike hears nothing but silence then shuffling then the door opens and despite Vince being totally naked still is distraught and breathing heavy. Mike brings him to the bed and they sit down.

"Dude... Your ashy looking and also like your about to be sick.... There something your not telling me?" Mike inquired.

Vince looking down at the ground, shuffling his feet and not saying anything. After a bit Mike slumps a bit and looks down as well not sure what to say or do. But Vince finally speaks up...

"Umm... That guy, the one that called you?.... Heh.... Well.... We have a history..." Vince looks away at something on the wall.

Mike is confused and kinda shocked but still bewildered.

"Uh....o-ok.... Like, what kind of history?" Mike asks.

Vince fiddling with his hands in his lap and is looking down at them.

"............ Sexual......." Vince admits.

Mike almost didn't catch it but he heard. Mike relaxes a little and seems to be slowly returning to normal.

"So you had another partner...-scoffs- I do to. No harm no foal. What's the big deal?" Mike asks seeing no issue.

Vince shakes his head. "This guy.... He's... Extremely ruthless.... And kinda sadistic..."

Mike gives Vince the 'are you kidding me look' and says "and what are you a kitten? I mean your that too... You fucking raped me the first meeting and obessed with me but..."

"No! Not him!" Vince interrupted.

Things got very quiet in the room. You could hear a pin drop, and they didn't say anything to each other.

"He's coming isn't he?" Vince asked looking up at Mike.

Mike gave him a confused look. How the fuck he know that? Thought Mike.
"Uh... Said something about... Things have a way... Of... Showing up? And that they'll be.... Coming together?" Mike fumbled with the words.

"Damnit...." Vince swore quietly.

Mike looks down at Vincent perplexed. "Uh... What that mean?"

Vincent POV

Shit....I can't protect him against... Him... He can easily over power me... And that's saying something...

Fuck! What the hell am I going to do? Play it safe and protect Mikey best I can?

Dear God.... Hope there's no knifes involved....

Mike's POV

Is it just me or is Vince acting stranger then usual? What's up with this dude he's so worked up about?
So he had another bf so what? He can't be that bad or dangerous right?

Normal POV

"Let's get dressed and get coffee" Vince says.

They both get dressed in casual clothes and make their way to Mike's car and then drive to local Cafe where they order something and are sitting here casually minding there own business and being a bit quieter then usual with each other.

Vincent is fidgeting with a butter knife rubbing his thumb on the dull blade. Mike looks at Vincent's hand with the knife and puts his hand over it.


A tall very well built man taller then both Mikey and Vincent. Definitely stronger and more sure of himself or least in mannerism. Sits down with them, in a purple Fredbears dinner uniform.

A loud gulp escapes Vincent gullet and Mike looks at Vince who's face returned to the color it was this morning to the new man who sat down.

A grin spreads across his face...

"Afternoon boys~"

-to be continued-

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