Sad Mikey~

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~Contains: Smut, Cussing~

Mike's POV

Mike was passed out on the bed staring up at the ceiling when he finally awoke.

Damn....a heavy heart is quite a burden....-sighs deeply-.....

Mike looked over at the alarm clock on his nightstand and it read 11:00PM

....stupid fucking job........but it did bring me and vince together.....

....Wait maybe I'll call Scott to see if he has Vince's number so I can call him and we can straighten this out

Mike sits up looking at floor to find his pants, once he spotted them he got up and retrieved his pants pulling his cell phone out. Mike unlocked the screen and went to look for Scott's number and then hit the call button.


"Hello...?" Came Scott's voice confused.

"Hey, its mike...C-can i ask a F-Favor?" Mike asked stuttering near the end.

"Shoot" Scott said being nonchalant.

"You have Vince's number?" Mike asked curiously.

"Yeah...why? Did something happen?" Scott asks sounding a bit concerned.

Mike scratches his cheek before answering, I can't tell him the truth...he'll either kill me or punch Vince....I can't have that....

"Hello~"Scott asked when Mike didn't respond.

"S-Sorry...Umm...I'll tell you later..." Mike said trying to keep his voice even.

"alright...Ss his number is owe me...ok?" Scott said assuringly.

"...yeah, i know..." Was all Mike could manage behind the lump in his throat.

" last thing...I'll will be closing with you tonight...I don't know why...but Vince called me to switch him from night to Dayshift...for some unknown god forsaken reason." Scott informed Mike.

OH GOD.....Vince....NOOOO......DAMMIT.....

"....Ok" Mike said quietly hanging up.

Mike then dialed Vince's number.....Voicemail....

"Hey...its Vincent....You Can't....BEEEEPP"

Mike chuckles ...good old Vince....

"Uh...h-hey its Mikey~....I-I...uh wanted to know for this morning...Uh...I-I.... -hangs up-" Mike says finishing with tears streaming down his face.

Fuck....why can't I admit that I'm in love with him....why is this so FUCking HARD....

Mike wipes the tears from his face looking at the alarm clock....its 11:50 PM

Dammit, I'm gonna be late....

Mike jumps up and quickly dresses in his uniform (with his pink shirt ;) ;)) and throws his cap on his head. Then he drops his cellphone into his pocket and runs out the front door with his car keys in hand. Mike then jumps into the car and stops the gas.

Scott's POV

Damn...he's gonna be late...oh, well he owes me a BJ anyways for giving him Vincent's number...I hate that purple fucker....

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