A Loss

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                      TRIGGER WARNING
           Today was a terrible day of loss.
  I lost my childhood idol and my current idol.
Today I just randomly opened up my phone to see Imagine Dragons tweeted something

Today I just randomly opened up my phone to see Imagine Dragons tweeted something

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   I immediately started crying. He was my idol. He was an inspiration. But when I saw that I didn't look up what happened I just assumed he died of a random natural cause at the age of 41. But about an hour later I went on the internet and looked up how he died and I figured out that he killed himself. And then cried for I don't know how many hours but it was more than 3. I kept saying to myself Chester wouldn't do this, Chester wouldn't do this. But I thought about it more. One of his best friends Chris (from SoundGarden) killed himself a few weeks ago. I can't imagine how hard that would have been for him. Especially today knowing it's Chris's birthday. Then it kinda made sense. But I still didn't want to believe he died even right now writing this I'm trying to convince myself he is still here alive and well. But then another part of me knows the truth. Apart of my life is gone. Just poof gone. I mean is the part of me that is convincing myself going to be sitting at a Linkin Park concert that might not even happen? I don't know anything. I just keep thinking of when I was 4-5 going to school telling kids about Chester and how awesome he was and his band was. And the kids would this I'm crazy. 'Chester who?' I know one day I will learn to get over this. But I know the world will never let go of Chester Bennington.
        Thank you Chester for helping me through life and many other people through life and being an inspiration to the world. My you Rest In Peace and be in a better place.
And I send my love to his friends and family.


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