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     "Have you gathered them up, dear?" Asked Victoria, a soft smile forming amongst her thin lips; dark eyes settling upon her husband. Her nose opening up to the faint scents of the herb - the radiant flower.

      "Yes, my love. Quite unknown it seems - though all my studies, never have I seen such a flower such as this one. It certainly is magnificent... it could be that we've discovered something entirely new. Amazing, isn't it?" Adjusting the rims of his glasses, the wide-eyed man began to stare profusely at the plant - using a needle, he poked at the stem - staring in awe as a crimson goo emerged from the tiny passage, dripping onto his welcoming finger.

     He brought the droplet closer, eyeing the properties of the liquid substance, watching as it glimmered within the sun's rays. "I've never seen a flower bleed..." he added - raising a brow, turning his head to look at Victoria, his blushing bride.

     "Bleed? What are you on about?" She asked, with her back still turned from him. Admiring a flower of her own.

     "Poke the stem, Victoria. Poke it and you'll see," answered Victor looking over her, observing as she quickly did as he said - inserting a small hole amongst the stem. Her eyes would then widen, her mouth opening slightly, emitting a faint gasp. Satisfied with her reaction, Victor chuckled; placing a hand upon her shoulder. "Like I said... I've never seen a flower that bleeds," He repeated giving the woman a soft peck on the cheek. "Amazing, isn't it?"

     "It truly is. I wonder what it could mean?" She glanced over at Victor - giving off a concerned look, a look which would only be brushed off and disregarded.

      "Are you worried? You should be happy. Who knows what we could find? I believe this flower has the power to heal even the gruesomest wounds. With the right mixture, I'm sure this little flower can do much good."

     She couldn't help but smile, how encouraging he was, how caring he was. He thought of others, and never himself. He was a medic - and a hero to some. "And you could tell all of that just by a single drop? Are you not at all worried? This is unnatural, Victor. No flower should bleed. It's a bad omen, I just know it. I- I can feel it. I don't want to include this in any of our recipes.." Her smile quickly vanished, her eyes glossed up - she held back gentle tears. Should anything happen to Victor... She wouldn't be able to live with herself.

He knew not to argue with his woman. No good would come from it. And so he simply just nodded, opening his arms to invite her into his warm embrace. "Very well. I respect your wishes. Shall we go home?"

"Yes. I think that would be best."

     The ride back to the cottage was long, not a word was said during their travels. The only sound coming from the steps of hooves. The passage was quiet, peaceful. The scenery was beautiful, the sun was out and the winds gave off the smells of the nearby flowers. In a trail like this, it would be normal for one to be totally at ease. Relaxed with the blessing of mother nature, but, not Victoria. No no... Victoria felt quite the opposite. Her nerves were getting the best of her. She felt uneasy, scared, nervous. And she didn't exactly know why. It was as if she were predicting that something foul was coming their way.

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