IV - The Lady.

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 "...Jesus." Logain swore, his eyes widening at the sight of it. The castle looked gloomy, broken, and abandoned. Hell, just by looking at it, he felt shivers crawling down his spine. The walls were filled with vines and cobwebs - the castle was a soft gray color, and looked as if it had been there for centuries.

His heart pounded, fearful of what would happen next, of who they would find in the abandoned castle. He gulped - trying to mask his anxiousness, turning his head towards Mercer, wondering if he reacted the same way.

Unsurprisingly, Mercer seemed as if he didn't even have an ounce of fear in him. The tracker just stared at the castle... in a somewhat proudly way. Letting out a faint breath, he faced Logain, that smug smirk of his still formed on his lips. "Lovely, isn't it?"

"Not exactly the word I'd use," Logain said, frowning. His eyes trailing off to his surroundings, making sure to keep himself alert and focus. In case the Sorceress decided one security measure wasn't enough. He kept his hand near his sword, his fingers hovering over the hilt of it; all while reaching over for his shield.

Mercer noticed Logain's uneasiness and with a sigh escaping his lips, he placed a hand on the Knight's shoulder, in an attempt at calming the Knight. 

"Easy now," he said, giving Logain a brief pat on his back. "The sorceress Mara won't do any harm to us, so long as we don't do any to her." He said in a reassuring tone. In which Logain would simply nod, releasing his grip on his shield.

"We've wasted enough time, let's just get on with it," Logain said, settling his gaze towards Mercer, receiving a nod in response.

The two then made their way up to the doorway, Logain didn't even bother to knock and instead just twisted at the door handle, surprised when he noticed it was already unlocked. Pushing the door open, Logain's eyes darted from across the room, taking in the view. Making sure he didn't miss a thing.

The room was dark, the only light source coming from a few candles that were scattered amongst the chambers. The windows were draped with violet colored curtains, which slightly swayed with the breeze, next to them was an alchemy station, filled with vials and potions, a clear representation of magic. The skulls decorated amongst the walls gave off a grim and ghastly atmosphere, giving Logain a quick shiver.

Mercer noticed this and with a smirk, he stepped in front Logain. "Try not to piss yourself," he teased - reaching out for one of the candle holders, with his grip tightening, he motioned for Logain to follow him.

•  •. •

The room was filled with steam, the bubbles gave off the subtle smell of lavender, absorbing into her fair skin - filling up her senses with the floral aroma, giving out a large sigh of contentment. Her delicate fingers skimmed themselves throughout her naked body, trailing down to her breast, her hips, her thighs. Embracing herself with the comfort provided by her bath, she laid her head back, rolled back her shoulders and relaxed. Closing her eyes as she released a gentle hum.

Her moment her tranquil was then interrupted by the faint sound of a creaking door, alerting her to the intruders' presence. She slowly rose her head up, opening up her eyes - giving the two men a quick scan.

The first one was a red-haired man. He looked quite familiar to Mara, though she couldn't exactly figure out why. He looked older, and he was more than likely around his thirties, he had strong features. A strong jawline, a narrow nose, thin lips, and a set of piercingly green eyes. Barely visible freckles were scattered amongst his forehead and cheeks, blending in nicely with his small scars. He looked devilishly handsome and gave off a mischievous vibe.

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