VI - The King.

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The guards quickly opened the gates for the trio, a wave of gasps filled Logain's ears. He knew they were not directed towards him, but to the woman beside him. The sorceress who was long awaited.

The townsfolk locked their gaze onto Mara. Some with pleading eyes, some with eyes that twinkled with hope, while others looked at the Sorceress with fear - opening their mouths as skeptical murmurs spread throughout the kingdom.

Logain noticed it all, and as the rumors began to spread, his eyes met with Mara's. Through the harsh stares and quiet whispers, she seemed unfazed. These were things the sorceress had to deal with her whole life, Logain knew that. 

He coughed, feeling at ease now that they had gone through the gawks of others. His eyes set themselves on the large wooden doors of the castle, watching as the guards came from inside. Escorting the trio deeper into the fortress. Though Logain had only been gone for a couple of days, he had already missed his homeland. And although it was currently on the brink of becoming a ruin, he felt a large sense of pride as he stepped through the castle's doors. He felt no greater honor.

A small, pudgy male greeted them, he opened his arms wide, pulling Logain into a tight embrace. "Sir Logain! How good it is to see you! Hope is not lost yet!" Expressed the man, squeezing hard upon the Knight's shoulders.

"Lord Ulric," responded the Knight, gently pulling the tiny man from his chest, his lips forming into an uncomfortable smile. "It's always a pleasure to see you." Added Logain, he unnoticeably began to shift away from the Lord, no longer feeling violated by the male's hot breath.

Ulric nodded, his lips still with a smile. "And who are these?" He asked, giving the tracker and the sorceress a quick scan.

"This," Logain replied, his hand reached over to Mercer's shoulders, giving off a soft pat, "Is my good friend, Mercer," He paused, now pointing over to Mara. "And that... is the Sorceress Mara. As requested by the King."

Ulric's eyes went wide, his attention quickly shifted back to Logain, as if he was fearful of looking directly at the female. "I- I see," he said, wiping off some sweat from his eyebrow. His uneasy look quickly being replaced with another smile. Though this time, it didn't look as genuine. He coughed, "Well... I should take you to the King. I'm sure he'd like to have a word." He added, now leading the trio down the narrow hallways.

Although still keeping tabs of the uneasy townsfolk, Logain's eyes shifted onto Mara, letting out a silent, involuntary cough, awkwardly watching as she kept her chin up and head high, looking up ahead as she continued her path into the narrow highways of the king's palace.

"Here we are," said Ulric, outstretching his arms as he gave passage to the trio, giving Logain a quick final smile before departing.

Catching sight of King Leopoldo, Logain stepped forward, lowering his head, bending his knee as he gave his grace a long bow.

"My king," expressed Logain, his hands placed against his chest, his emerald eyes bore deeply into those of his King, showing the most upheld respect. "I have here with me the Sorceress Mara, as you requested." He'd finish, his gaze now shifting towards Mara though only briefly, before darting back onto the King.

King Leopoldo looked pleased, this was expressed through the small grin he had upon his lips, his eyes twinkling as he observed the sorceress, taking in the inhuman aura bought in from her unnaturally striking appearance.

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