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A/N I don't own Yugioh.


She answered softly looking into his eyes.

"I want to be in a relationship with you, really I do. But everytime when i get close to someone. I do something that makes them scared of me and i don't remember it. I don't want the same thing to happen to you. I don't know what i will do without you."

Emma smiled at him.

"I don't care Ryou I want this. I want our relationship to go to the next level. I just don't understand what's stopping you?"

"I cant tell you"

"Yes you can, please...."

Emma got off the couch and got on her knees getting in between Ryou's legs catching him by surprise.

"I'll do anything to be in your arms Ryou. You mean everything to me. Why can't you see that?"

Emma then through herself in Ryou's chest hugging him tightly.

"I want to understand please"

Ryou hugged Emma tightly.

"Emma, I ....."

But Ryou was cut off when he felt Emma lips on his once again, he so badly wanted to kiss back but he didn't want to risk Emma's life so it would be best she just remain a friend.

Emma felt that Ryou wasn't kissing back, after a few seconds still no movement, she pulled away tears wanted to come out but she held them back. She put her head down in shame and embarrassment as well as Ryou.

"Okay, i get it now, you just want to be friends fine im okay with that"

Emma stood up and wiped the tears and put on a fake smile

"So how does a patty melt sounds to you, good? Okay i'll make that"

Emma walked away to the kitchen leaving Ryou alone on the couch left in his own thoughts. Ryou didn't have a thing to say, he knew he just rejected his best friend love for him but he just couldn't.

After a few minutes, Emma called saying Dinner was served, apparently she made mote than just a patty melt but with fries and salad along with orange juice. Emma sat down on one end, she assumed Ryou was going to sit on the other end, surprisingly he sat right next to her.

They ate in silence, Ryou was the first to finished and looked towards Emma who was drinking her orange juice. He saw her other hand on the table and laid his hand on top of hers.

Emma looked at him surprised but gently gave him a squeeze and he returned a squeeze as well. Ryou had a gentle smile on his face along with Emma. Ryou then got up and leaned towards her ear.

"Once you're done come up to my room"

Emma blushed but nodded, wondering what is it he could possibly want. Ryou then left to his room, after Emma was done she put the dishes in the sink, washed up and walked towards Ryou's room. She found him sitting on the edge of his bed holding an item in his hand around his neck.

"You said you wanted to understand, well here it goes in this millennium ring holds a dark spirit that takes control over my body, I can't control it. It does whatever it wants but once i get back full control i don't remember what i did or what day it is"

Ryou then angrily got a tight grip of his bed sheets.

"Everything i like it destroys, I just want it to go away, i have nightmares and nothing works. When i try throwing it away, it finds a way back around my neck. I don't want this life anymore."

With teary eyes he looked up at Emma, but she didn't look surprised

"Let me meet him"


"Let me meet him for i could give that thing a piece of my mind for i can be with you"

Ryou was stunned never before he met someone that would actually stand up to something they can't see.

"Emma are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure. That guy sounds like a bully and you know for a fact i don't take too kindly with Bullies"

She said with a smile.


"Ryou come on, i really want to be with you even if i need to knock some sense into this guy. Like i said before I'll do anything just to be with you"

Ryou slightly smiled

"Okay just promise me, you'll be careful"

Emma winked at him also giving him a thumbs up with a smile

"I promise"


Ryou stood up and took a deep breathe and closed his eyes. Then a flash of light filled the room, Emma shield her eyes from the millennium ring. Until a dark evil chuckled made it way around the room.

Emma opened her eyes and looked, this guy looked like her Ryou but very different, the voice, features and hair style. Emma narrowed her eyes at him

"Who are you?"

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