Make Me Feel This Way

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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

Emma had her arms crossed and sat on the couch with her legs crossed.

"Okay Ryou I'm willing to listen to what you have to say."

Ryou let out a sigh and sat next to Emma.

"Please understand, Miho is nothing more but a friend she is just not in the right mind."

Emma gave Ryou the 'i don't believe you' look. Again Ryou tried to make another attempt but then a bright light flash from the millennium ring and Bakura was released looking at Emma but she remained glaring at him.

"You are a very jealous women"

Emma scoffs rolling her eyes at him.

"Oh please, besides what are you doing out here?"

Bakura grinned

"Don't worry, Ryou won't remember a thing"

Emma smirk evilly at him


Bakura smirk and leaned back opening his arms to Emma. She then jumped to his open arms and collided her lips to his. Bakura roughly shoved his tongue inside her mouth causing Emma to moan at the rough intrusion.

They began fighting for dominance, Bakura easily won. The lack of air becane a priblem and they slowly pulled apart panting but Emma lightly bit on Bakura's tongue.

Bakura smirk looking at Emma.

"Its been too long since i did that"

"I know but it wont be long now for you to have full control over Ryou's body"

"Oh please i can do that now if i wanted too"

Emma lightly tapped him on the nose, playfully glaring at him.

"Until Rachel gives us the heads up"

Bakura grunted in disapproval. Emma was still jealous about the whole Miho situation and decided to ask Bakura about it.

"Tell me about Miho"

Bakura looked at Emma and grinned at her.

"What do you want to know?"

"How did Ryou meet Miho?"

"Actually I met Miho not Ryou"

Emma opened her eyes wide at the information.


"She saw me thought I was handsome and asked me to escort her to a school dance"

Emma glared at him.

"Did you show up?"

"Of course not, not even Ryou showed up because he was blank out. Besides you know your the only girl for me"

He said rubbing his hand on Emma's cheek causing her to blush lightly.

"You know Ryou actually really loves you"

Emma smirk and leaned up closer to him.

"An does that make my beloved jealous?"

Bakura closed his eyes and scoffs.

"Oh please he is pathetic and he wouldn't know what to do with a girl like you"

Emma smiled 'yupp he's jealous'

"Little by little our plan is coming together. We just need to wait and plus i need to get more closer to Ryou, i mean dont get me wrong he is cute and very gentlemen like. We put up a great act on our "first meeting" didn't we?"

"We got him good, although when you were chained up to the wall, i actually wanted to rip off your clothes and fuck you hard"

Emma blushed and punches his chest lightly but Bakura easily caught it and pulled her into a kiss. They pulled apart, their eyes were showing the longing they had for each other but Emma reluctantly pulled away.

"Bakura I need you to do me a favor"


"Get rid of Miho"


"I want you to get rid of Miho, gone, dead, bye bye"

Bakura glared at Emma playing with her strand of hair.

"I heard you, i just don't know why I should do your dirty work"

"Because you know I don't like to get messy"

Bakura hmmm in thought and then smirk

"I think I might need a bit more persuasion"

Emma smirk seductively

"Will this do it for you baby?"

Emma reached out her hand to her dress up shirt and unbotton her blouse and opened it to reveal to perfect round big breast. Bakura smirk and licked his lips and was close to touching but Emma smirk and closed it up and button up the shirt, Bakura glared in annoyance

"Uh uh uh no touchy until the job is done"

Bakura crossed his arms and pouted


Emma smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you baby, now give me back my sweet Ryou so we can fix our problem"

Bakura grunted and then there was another flash of light from the Millennium Ring and Ryou was back looking at Emma in concern.

"Did my other self did something to you?"

He asked worriedly, but Emma simply smiled and leaned to close to Ryou.

"Actually, he talked to me about overreacting and I admit I was, so im sorry"

Ryou was confused but surprised his other self did help. Emma then kissed Ryou on the lips but Ryou decided to deepen the kiss bring them into a make out session.

'Only Emma can make me feel this way and I want this feeling to last forever' Ryou thought happily he really does love Emma. They both pulled apart panting.

"I love you Emma"

Emma smiled with a blush.

"I love you to Ryou"

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