Chapter 2: That Daniel Boy

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Chapter 2: That Daniel Boy

Rosalina was in her art studio when one of her brothers walked in looking out of breath. Rosalina glanced up at her brother with a confused look on her face and he just smiled at her.

"You have an hour to get your things ready and get dressed for your art class." Her brother Alaxander, who was the oldest, told her. Rosalina smiled as she remembered that her course was today. She hadn't exactly forgotten, but she had been busy with her painting.

Rosalina got up right away and almost flew to her bedroom as she got excited. Rosalina went to her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She brushed her fingers through her hair and checked her makeup. She did not wear a lot of it, but she wanted to look presentable for her class. She couldn't wait to meet new people and learn some more about art.

Rosalina heard Alexander call for her and she grabbed her bag with her pencils, her colors, sketchbook and her phone in it. She had packed it yesterday and thought that she would need some of her high quality pencils and colors.

Rosalina hopped into her brother's Range Rover with her other older brothers Mateo and Leonardo, who were twins.

In the car Rosalina didn't speak at all. She stared out her window and thought about how her day was going to be. This was an adventure for her and that must be weird for most people to think that an adventure for a 15 year old girl would be going to her art class. That was abnormal to many people, but for Rosalina that had been all she ever knew. She had never been out on no-mans-land, because of her dad's overprotective nature.

Rosalina thought it unfair, how her brothers could enjoy the territory and the outer areas around, but because she was her father's little princess, she had to be protected and it was all the Alpha of The Blood Moon's pack's fault.

Rosalina knew that it was childish to blame the Alpha for her living conditions, if you could call them that. Though, she couldn't help but blame him, because he brought her father worries that shouldn't be deciding her life.

Rosalina felt the car stop and she came back to the real world from her subconscious mind. She looked up and saw the area's public school. She opened her car door and stepped out with her bag on her shoulder. Mateo flanked her right and Leonardo on her left with Alexander following them from the rear end. 

Together they walked towards the wide doors that would lead her to a new world.

Rosalina walked towards the classroom assigned to be the art class and when she came in front of the door, she stopped and turned to her brothers.

"Can you please wait out here?" Rosalina asked her brothers with a pout on her face. Her brothers used the mind link and discussed what would be best.

Rosalina interrupted them.

''I will be safe.'' She told them. They glanced at each other again and sat down on a bench. Rosalina smiled and kissed each of them on their cheek, before walking into the classroom. She saw that there were about 10 teenagers in the classroom and she noticed a blond-haired girl waving her over to the seat beside her that was empty. Rosalina smiled to the girl and sat down beside her.

''Hi, what's your name?'' the girl asked her. Rosalina smiled and held out her hand, before answering.

''Rosalina Rodriquez, yours?''

''Isabella Hemmings.'' she answered and shook Rosalina's hand. Rosalina noticed how beautiful Isabella really was. Isabella had long wavy blonde hair that was a dark blonde at the roots and then got lighter farther down her long strands of hair. She was a slim girl about the same size as Rosalina. Isabella also had an incredible smile and she got the feeling that this girl smiled at everybody and was always happy.

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