Chapter ten: Mothers and Countries.

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Reminder: The spelling is weird.


Chapter ten: Mothers and Countries.

Date: April 4, 2014.

"I jus' don't get it," Violet muttered to herself as she sorted through a pile of bills. "Ye have sex with'a guy, make it clear that ye like 'im, and then he still thinks yer using him." She could feel a headache coming on and sighed, grabbing a bottle of Advil close by.

"Talking to yourself again? You're such a weirdo." Violet looked up to see her brother standing at the doorway of her office, grinning teasingly. "It's been like three months, V, get over him already." Violet sighed, looking back down at her desk. "It's kinda hard t'forget about someone that won't leave ya alone."

Harry had been calling Violet for months now. At first, he just called her cell phone, which made her regret ever giving him her phone number. But after the first month of her not answering, he began to get his friends to call her as well, even going through the trouble of calling her office, brother, and assistant. Caleb made jokes all of the time about how cute it was that the British boy-bander liked her that much, but frankly, Violet was annoyed.

"Besides C, I am ov'r him. He's just annoyin' me at this point and I can't stand it." Her phone buzzed from next to her, attracting her over to it. "Who is it?" Caleb asked when Violet just stared at the phone. Violet looked up and then back down quickly, shooing Caleb out of the room.

"Astor here." She answered confidently. "Violet? It's your mother." Violet rolled her eyes. "I hav' caller I.D., moth'r." "Yes, well, I just wanted to see if you'll be joining us for Easter this year. Your cousins miss you greatly."

Violet shook her head, a frown itching its way onto her face. She hates her cousins. Those brats they are. "I don't think I'll be able t'make it." "Oh don't give me that, Violet!" Her mother raised her voice, Violet moving the phone away from her ear for a second. "I know you can get away from work for a couple days to spend time with your family. Your family misses you and want you to come back to home, even if only for a bit.

"Now, I'm going to pay for a flight for you to come down, and you're going to obey me like a good Christian-" "I'm not Christian!" Violet's voice boomed loudly and sternly, cutting her mother off mid-sentence. "I've nev'r been Christian 'nd I nev'r will be. Tampa is no long'r m'home, 'nd I won't be goin' back."

Violet was about to hang up the phone when she heard her mother mutter the words she never expected to hear. "No wonder he left you. You're so disrespectful." Instead of answering, Violet just hung up, slamming her phone on her desk angrily.

"You can come back in, C." She announced, watching as her brother returned in the room. Caleb looked at his sister in confusion. "Mom?" "Yes, she's upset that I refuse t'go back fo'Easter." Her brother sighed, not answering. "I'm gonna make a call." Violet told him before walking out of the room, heading to the closest bathroom in her hotel.

Dialing quickly, Violet shook in anticipation, listening to the rings before he answered his phone. "Hello?" It was clear that he had been sleeping, and Violet didn't answer for a few seconds to look at the time.

11:48 P.M.

"What country are ya in right now?" "Violet?" She sighed inwardly. "Ye." "I've been trying to get ahold of you for months now! Why haven't you been answering my calls? I'm sorry I off-" "What country are ya in?" Harry paused for a second, taken aback. "South America. We just started a new tour." "That's a continent. I asked what country." She was blunt and quick and it made Harry a bit nervous. "Colombia." "City?" "Bogota right now, but tomorrow we'll be leaving for Tolima, I think." Violet nodded to herself. "Ok'y. Bye."


Tenth chapter: Completed.

Word count: 684.

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