Chapter eight: Date and Sex.

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Remember: The spelling is off because of how the characters speak.

Warning: A bit of smut in this chapter.


Chapter eight: Date and Sex.

Date: December 31, 2013.

"My step father didn't want me to see you tonight. He thinks you're a drunk." Harry regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth, quickly turning his head to look at Violet as he apologized. "It's okay, H'rry, don't worr'." He didn't feel any reassurance, despite Violet's words. "A lot of people have a lot of opinions 'bout m', the only thing that matt'rs is that ya know the truth 'bout me."

Harry's face rose in confusion. "So my father is wrong about you, yeah?" Violet sighed, continuing to look forward as Harry drove. "He's not totally wrong, no." Harry held in his breath, the words he didn't want to hear from Violet slipping out quickly. "I'm a recoverin' alcoholic." He didn't know whether to be mad she hadn't told him or happy that she's recovering.

"Anything else I should know about you before this date?" Harry didn't mean for it to come out rudely, but he couldn't help but feel betrayed by the girl that he thought liked him. "The only other big thin' is that I'm a bit addicted to gamblin'."

He wasn't too surprised by this. A twenty-two year old girl owning a casino was highly improbable unless she knew how to gamble well enough to make the money to buy it. Also, Harry remembered, when they first met she showed off superior skills at Roulette.

"Yer not doubtin' me." Violet said, breaking Harry from his thoughts. He sighed as he pulled into the parking lot of a pub, rushing to turn his Range Rover off and run over to Violet's door to let her out. "I'm surprised you're an alcoholic." Violet chuckled, catching Harry off guard. He sent her a weird look, hesitantly wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Ya know I'm crazy bu' yer not leavin'." She almost smiled at the thought. Ever since Violet had moved to Nevada, she hadn't been able to keep anyone close. Everyone heard the rumors and thought Violet was too weird to be seen with. "I'm crazy too but you haven't left yet." Harry defended. Violet rolled her eyes. "What? I am crazy! Right now I'm wearing two different colored socks." He proved his statement by rolling up the sleeves of his jeans a bit, showing off his one blue sock and one red sock.

Violet let out a laugh, tugging on Harry by his jacket and dragging him into the pub. A few flashes went off as they walked, causing the couple to notice the paparazzi standing to the sides, allowing them some space.

"First date?" One called to the two. Harry and Violet took no notice of anyone until they were about to step inside, stopping as a paparazzi yelled loudly at them. "Give us a show!"

They both looked at each other for a moment.

"I don't want our first kiss to be because of the paps. That's not very romantic." Violet smirked at Harry's words. "First kiss? As in there will b'more?" Harry blushed. Moving in slightly, Violet wrapped her arms around Harry's neck, chuckling as she heard the cheers and woo-hoos.

Instead of kissing Harry, she pecked his cheek softly. "Wouldn't want our first kiss t'be wasted on the paparazzi." Harry's cheeks flushed even more and Violet laughed, taking his hand in hers and walking them into the pub.


Date: December 31, 2013.

"I'm having a great time with you." Violet wasn't surprised when Harry blushed as he spoke. She noticed that he either liked her a lot or got embarrassed very easily. She had thought it was the latter at first, but after seeing how he didn't get flustered around anyone else like he did with her, Violet came to the conclusion that Harry had quite the crush on her.

"Me too," She admitted, a smile on her face. "Usually I spend New Years Eve wit' Caleb an' we get drunk; this is new an' refreshin'." Harry grinned. "Yeah, I get it. The past couple of years I've spent the holiday clubbing and searching for love." Right after it came out of his mouth, Harry realized how stupid and cheesy he sounded, his cheeks reddening.

Violet laughed, throwing her head back. "An' hav' ya found an'one worthy of yer love yet?" She was flirting with him and they both knew that. Harry stayed quiet for a second, a flirty comeback on the tip of his tongue. For some reason, though, he wasn't able to say it.

"Cat got'cher tongue?" She teased and Harry stuck his out at her. Violet winked jokingly, causing them both to laugh. "I'm not usually this awkward with girls I like, I promise." Harry felt his neck turning red as Violet giggled in front of him.

Taking a sip of her water- Harry made her drink water after almost every sip of alcohol she had-, Violet smirked at the awkward brunette that was stumbling over his words. "It's ok'y," She tried to reassure him. "I act weird when I like someone, too."

Harry almost felt offended, immediately thinking that Violet doesn't like him.

She's acting so normal, He figured, there's no way she could like me.

Violet noticed his eyes drop and realized her mistake.

"I mean, it took m' at least an hour an' a half to pick out'a good outfit for tonight. An' I keep havin' to think of clever things t'say so I can hear that cute laugh o'yours." Harry looked up at his crush, failing to hide his smile.

"Five minutes until midnight!"

It was a random voice in the crowd that ruined the couple's moment. Violet raised her eyebrows suggestively when Harry looked at her. "You're turning me on."

Violet seemed taken aback by Harry's attempt at flirting. "I d-didn't mean it like that." She just shrugged, raising her hands in a I'm-not-judging-you kind of way.

"It's ok'y. Ya turn m'on, too."

Harry blushed harder than ever before, the thought of the girl he likes laying open and at his will making him twitch in his trousers. "I'd let'ya fuck me so hard, y'know? Ya seem so quiet and shy aroun' m', but I bet yer an animal in the bedroom." Violet was hard-core flirting at this point, a smirk on her face as she noticed Harry shuffling awkwardly in his seat.

"I'd be able to keep up wit'ya, though. I'm quite the animal m'self." Harry almost groaned as she spoke. "But," Violet clapped her hands together. "I hav' this rule that I don't lay on the first date." Harry frowned, wanting nothing more at this point than to take her right then and there. "But the second date," Violet bit her lip before continuing. "is when all the rules go away."

Harry's mouth dropped open, his head almost falling back.

"One minute left!"

People began counting down, but Harry and Violet stayed sitting in their seats, staring at each other. "Y'know," Violet began again. "When it turns midnight, it'll be a new day." Harry just stared at her confusedly. "New day, new date." His eyes narrowed on Violet for a moment before widening in realization.

"Yo- you mean?" "What bett'r way is there t'rock in the new year?"




Harry slid over in their booth, inching closer to Violet as the seconds went by.




"Only a few seconds t'back out." Violet teased.





His hands went up to Violet's neck immediately, capturing her lips with his.

"Happy new year!" The entire pub screamed it out, moving in to kiss their lovers, but Harry and Violet made no attention to anyone.


Chapter eight: Completed.

Word count: 1315.

Picture to the side: One Direction for New Years.

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