772 73 24

Guys you know you better watch out
Some girls
Some girls are only about
That thing, that thing, that thi-i-i-ing🎶

It took me almost an hour before I peeled myself away from heavenly temptation

Then I started walking around, observing the whole ball. The ball started seven pm, and it is now nine pm but I think the prince has not yet been introduced

I stopped

Maybe I should go home? Who wants to be here anyways? A bunch of gigiling womens dancing around with boastful mens telling about their fortune and how will the kings money will benefit them.

Fluttering eyelash
Swirling storm of colours
The judgmental look from people

Yes, everyone want to be here

The refreshment table was the only welcoming thing here!

Yes! I should definitely go, but, for some reasons, I didn't

I feel like a invisible force, or a very pressing thought stuck into me


One word, four letters, but had a full effect on me. It made me continue my senseless walk and observation

As I stay and walk around the ballroom. i finally heard the bell that tells us it is already midnight.

And it didn't mean, go home time

It means clearly;

The prince will be introduced

And the war will begin of flirting, smiling, tucking of strand of hair while giggling and fluttering their eyelashes

The eligible girls fix themselves

While the Men looked at each other, sizing each foe. All wanted to be the father of the chosen girl

While, I; standing (I was kinda surprise why) at the front, with a bored expression. Maybe a messy hair, damp forehead because of the hot summer heat

I may be the most uninteresting girl here in the ball, no one will even give me a second glance or maybe they'll would, but they'll just shrugged me off

Not that I am insecure or anything, oh no no nononono!

I out rank those bimbos, 10 to 1!

I bet all they ever do in they're life is worry about the husband they'll marry

The sound of a grave voice echoed around the hall

"May I present Prince Rikkard Ambrose of Winterfell (Its irristable)"

(If you watch Game of Thrones, you'll know what that means 😏)

Every eye turn to the throne

And I admit, even my eyes turn as well, yes I know embarrassing, but I was curious

The prince wore a dark tailcoat that is completely out of character, a sleek black pants and a pair of leather shoes

But the attire was not the surprising part. It was the face

Same blue, green, grey eyes
Same kissable, plucked lips
Same mop of black midnight hair
Same chiselled granite, defined face

Ahem! What I was trying to say is;

It was the man that bumped me before I reach the refreshment table

The man I called jerk, and bastard

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