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This is a oneshot based on the song "Satisfied" in the musical Alexander Hamilton. I hope you enjoy it! Please send me your requests!

Sweet, yet still bitter. You frowned with distaste at the sour flavor the grape had delivered in your mouth. Your gaze remained fixed upon your barely touched plate, yet you could feel a certain pair of eyes casted towards you.

All around you was thunderous applause and merry-making. Tonight was worthy of a feast for a hundred kings, and by the turnout, it truly was. It was King Thranduil's and your sister's wedding -something that had been long in the making. In truth, you were gloriously happy for your sister, Ayda, yet you could not help but still feel a twinge of remorse every time your king glanced your way. His crystal eyes seemed to bore into your very soul...You detected something behind his smile and happy manner, yet you could not figure out what it was. Maybe – just maybe – it was remorse.

But there could be none of that regretful thinking anymore. Tonight was your sister's wedding – a wondrous and joyful occasion to celebrate. You had never seen your sister as happy as she was tonight, and it made everything worthwhile. Being as close as the two of you were, she had chosen you to be her bridesmaid, giving you a seemingly never-ending list of tasks to completely. Somehow, you had miraculously completed them all with just a few moments to spare.

Ayda looked beautiful with her long, silky hair flowing free along her shoulders. Her silver white dress brightened her merry eyes, making her seem all the more carefree and lovely. You tucked a loose lock of (h/c) hair behind your ear as you smiled at her. You didn't have time to properly dress and prepare for the wedding, so you had simply stuck your long tresses into a loose bun. Unfortunately, several tuffs had fallen out of place, but you cared not. Tonight was all about your beloved Ayda and her husband.

You smiled to yourself as your sister kissed her new husband's cheek, receiving a slight smile from him as well. His eyes looked down at her, and for a just a brief moment, the world seemed almost perfect to you. Time seemed to stand still. You knew that your sister would soon be whisked away to fulfill the tedious duties of a royal, while you would remained in Riverdale. Alone. But it mattered not, as long as your sister was happy...

You heard your name being called faintly from amongst the crowded room, yet could not hear the rest.

"(Y/N)," a gentle voice whispered, "It's time."

You took a shaky breath and nodded, grasping with trembling fingers the goblet in front of you. Standing up, you cleared your throat. A thousand eyes looked upon you as you smiled, raising your drink to the sky.

"A toast to the groom and our beloved king!"

The guest roared with praise. "To the king!"

You glanced over at the King, who was dressed in his ornate wedding clothes. He gave a slight nod, his cerulean eyes never leaving your flushed face.

"To the bride!"

"To the bride!" The room echoed.

You smiled down to your sister, meeting her hazel eyes.

"From your sister, who is always by your side."

She gave you a smile, quickly wiping away a stray tear that had onto her flawless face.

You held back a tear of your own and continued, "To your union, and the hope that you provide!"

"To the union!" The guests roared in agreement.

You raised your goblet higher and with vigor. "May you always-"

For a brief second, Thranduil's ice eyes met yours.

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