Part 03 - Lost lover

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Present day; 8th of February 2036.

Kasay's POV

"Look, I just need some space, alright! Just leave me alone for now!" Zaire yelled at someone on the phone.

I was standing behind the door listening to Zaire's conversation. I was going to tell him dinner was ready, but he seemed to be occupied.

"Why!? I'm your girlfriend for god sake!" The person from the other end of the line yelled, loud enough for me to hear.

"I just need some damn space! whether you like it or not!"

Sitting on the side of my bed; I recalled what happened yesterday night. Who was Zaire talking to? He seemed to be really angry... My thoughts were cut off by my phone ringing from an incoming call. I took my phone from the nightstand to see who it was, and to my surprise; it was Hana.

Should I answer it? I mean she isn't really nice to me, or vice versa... But maybe it's important this time... I pressed the accept call button and answered her call.


"Kasay! You need to help me!" Her voice shouted, not even letting me finish my sentence.

"Goddamn Hana! First, the hell do you want it's almost midnight! Second, can you not act mean to me?!"

"Ok ok I'm sorry! It's just... I need to talk to Zaire, can you please give your phone to him?"

"I don't know if he's still up or not..."

"Please just look for him first! It's important!"

"Geez alright I will"

I got up from my bed and went outside. It was dark, of course, so that means he's not in the direction of the kitchen or living room. I should check his room...

I passed the kitchen and living room to the hallway. "Whats taking you so long?!" Hana yelled through the call. "Shht! Be patient!" I hissed and continue walking. "Why don't you call his phone instead?" I asked. "Because he blocked my number obviously" I look through the hallway where his and Kory's room is at.

I walk in front of his room, the lights are on, so maybe he's still awake? Just as I was about to knock, I heard someone with him in there. What's going on in there? I put my ear against the door to listen.

"I can't... What if someone hears us?" Zaire asked.

I leaned closer and accidentally pushed the door open a little, enough for me to see what's happening. I see... Kory, hugging him?

"Don't worry, no one will" I hear Kory whisper

I have no idea what they're doing... Kory looks like he's hugging Zaire, while pushing him against the wall? Kory placed his head in between his neck and shoulder. I can hear Zaire... Breathing heavily? Whimpering? I have no clue

"N-No, don't touch ther-- Aah!~" He let out.

I can feel my cheeks starting to turn pink at the sight of them. This feels, alluring...




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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