Chapter 2

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Ambrose's P.O.V.

"Karim!" I called to my large friend.

He was in my office within seconds.

"Yes, sahib?"

I explained the matter to the Mohammedan and he listened patiently. That man only held respect for me.

"Sahib, if she gets married, she wouldn't bother us anymore."

I glared at him.

"We'll do it, Sahib." He said, nodding.

That was Karim. I smiled in my mind.

What? I can't actually do it. Smiles are for the weak.

Indeed? But aren't you waiting to see a certain someone smile again?


"Bring him to me, with all the details."

"Yes, Sahib."


It was 3:00 am in the morning. The meeting was to be happening in a while.

Karim entered with a slightly sleepy man by his side.

"Hello, Mr. Ambrose, Sir." Said the man.

"What is your name?" I asked, without acknowledging his greeting.

"James Whitworth, Sir."

I nodded at Karim who set a sheet of paper in front of me on the table.

I read through Karim's messy handwriting to find that the man was 25 years old, and that his family owned the Whitworth Exporters. He was a good looking man with green eyes and blonde hair, but he was not a very good man, unlike what Lilly had said. Karim was smart enough to find helpful information.

"Sit down, Mr. Whitworth." I said, directing towards the seat in my front.

He sat down and looked at me confusedly.

"Do you know why you've been called?"

"No, Sir."

"Is it true that you are going to get married to Miss. Lillian Linton?"

"Oh yes, sir. I am getting married to the beautiful Lilly." He said, eyes beaming with happiness. The earlier sleepiness gone.

On the other hand, my temper was slowly rising.

"Did she approve?"

"Not yet, sir. But I know she will. She knows that I love her. And besides, the engagement is going to happen in quite a big gathering on her birthday, sir."

"Does that mean she must indeed agree to your proposal?" I asked coldly.

"Like I said, Sir, she is a lovely girl. And she does not have any reason to refuse. Also, her aunt can be quite persuasive. But why do you ask about Lilly, sir?" He said, looking confused again.

"I say that she does have more than enough reasons to not accept you. And I am asking you to back away from this engagement." I said, intervening my fingers.

"Why no, sir. I cannot." He replied, eyeing me with a guarded look.

"Did I not make myself clear, Mr. Whitworth? You do know that I have the power to take your wealth and family name away." I said.

"You do not, sir. Our business and family name are untarnished." He countered, frowning.

"Indeed? Oh yes! Maybe it is because nobody is aware of your marriage with Miss. Julian Grander that happened two years ago! It is the same 'Grander' as in the Grander Enterprises, right Mr. Whitworth?" I asked, keeping a straight face.

His eyes widened.

"How did you...that was the past. We...we are divorced." He stuttered.

I kept a straight face, but I was already savouring the taste of success.

"I know things, Mr. Whitworth. Including the fact that you are not divorced and that Julian is 4 months pregnant."

I admired Karim. I had not expected this to be so easy. The relief and power that I felt right then was incompatible.

He stayed silent, head bowed down.

"Sir, please. That was a mistake. But I really do love Lilly."

"No you don't. Anyway, I would never let you cheat on young girls like that. Both Lillian and Julian. Now, what you have to do is, never contact Lillian and her family ever again. Your family name is important. Everything depends on that. Remember, Mr. Whitworth, be a gentleman. will not utter a word about your meeting with me or Karim, or the words that we shared. You get that?" I asked, with a threatening glare.

"Yes, sir." He said, almost choking. His face resembled a bright red tomato, whether it is out of fury, embarrassment, defeat, or all of them, I didn't know.

"You wouldn't want to know what happened to those unfortunate individuals who refused to listen to Rikkard Ambrose." I said.

"Karim, please take this nice man back to his cradle."

Karim nodded and both of them left my office.

Such relief. I smiled, after making sure that nobody was watching, and leaned back into my chair.


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