Glenn Danzig One Shot

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It's a cloudy morning in me and my boyfriend's upscale New Jersey apartment. I remember Glenn had requested that we live in New Jersey because it's his home town, Lodi. I smile a bit to myself as I sit up in bed, the covers falling off of my chest and I yawn. I stare out the window, my eyes feeling heavy with the usual morning drowsiness. I feel my boyfriend stir a little beside me in bed and I look back at him briefly, my grin rising while I watch him just peacefully sleep. His incredibly soft dark black hair falls in his eyes a little bit and he's holding tightly onto the blanket with his muscular arms. I watch his face, he sighs a little bit and his long eyelashes flutter very slightly. I set my delicate, pale fingers on his arm gently and I feel his tattoos, tracing them in a fragile way, this is something I often did when I was alone with him, it made him feel calm. His face rises into a little smile in his sleep and my heart races. That's what I love most about Glenn is his smile, even though you don't get to see it often, when you do, it fills you with pure joy. I look back at the window, my groggy eyes blinking a little and I rub them tirelessly.
I suddenly feel arms wrap around my waist smoothly. I gasp and I hear a little dark laugh from behind me as Glenn pulls me back into bed expertly. I giggle a little bit shyly as I look into his dark brown and slightly silvery eyes. They were always so sweet-looking to me. He smirks a little bit, pulling me closer to him with his arms wrapped around my waist still.
"Who said you were allowed to leave?" He asks playfully and demandingly in his soft, dark voice.
He begins to kiss my lips softly as I smile through the kisses. He lets go and I look at his eyes, his kisses trail down my chin and to my neck softly, holding me close and I mumble a little bit at everything he does. I blush bright red as he starts to kiss down to my collarbones hungrily and I set one hand on his bare chest. He stops teasingly, looking up at me with a gleam in his eyes. I run my hands though his silky black hair and I giggle gently as his eyelids close for a brief second like a little cat as I touch his hair. He kisses me again a little roughly before letting go.
"Why were you up?" He asks in a quieter voice and I smile a little, shaking my head embarrassedly.
He laughs, he can always tell if there's something on my mind.
"What is it?" He asks, pulling me closer, his hands at the small of my back.
"...I just like to watch you sleep sometimes." I whisper and I blush more.
He flashes a radiant smile that makes me smile back.
"I'm a lot less mean when I'm asleep." He jokes and my eyes widen with a little giggle.
"No no! That's not look so calm." I say in my quiet voice and Glenn raises an eyebrow.
He kisses my lips again briefly, then he sits up this time, stretching his arms above his head and I watch his back, admiring him a little bit from my position and I grin a little to myself. He looks back at me after he stretches and runs another hand through his long hair with another award-winning smile.
"...You gawking at me?" He asks and I laugh, shaking my head innocently.
He looks down and then up at me with that same grin.
"You're so gorgeous..." He states and chills run down my spine.
I blush a lot more.
"You're even more gorgeous..." I whisper and he smirks, crawling back over me in the bed, kissing me again hungrily as he cups my face a little bit. I make a little noise of surprise.
"God...why are you so fucking nice to me." He asks with a smile, staring into my bright blue eyes.
"I like being nice." I whisper and I wrap my arms around his neck.
His long hair tickles my neck a little.
"...You're good at it." He mumbles and he lays down on top of me, his head in the crook of my neck and I groan a little bit, my body is so small compared to his so he's almost crushing me but I smile a little bit, giggling.
I comb my hands through his hair and down his back, he almost purrs like a cat. I smile more and he rolls off me gently, sitting up again and I watch him get out of bed, only wearing his dark black pajama pants. In fact, everything he wears is black, I don't think I've ever seen a speck of color in his wardrobe. He stares out the window with his quietly intimidating gaze.
"...Hey baby?" He says and I perk up, smiling when he calls me that and a little bit of a blush forms on my cheeks.
"Y-yes?" I ask and I get up after him, walking up behind him and I set my soft hands on his back.
He turns around to me and holds my hands tightly with his. I wouldn't say Glenn is tall per-say but I'm only 5'1 so he's fairly taller than me. He looks down at me, his hands go to the side of my head and he kisses my cheek faintly.
"...I have to go..." he whispers and he lets go of me, going to his closet and picking out a dark black mesh tank top that shows off his toned arms and chest.
He throws it on with a chain cross skull necklace. My heart breaks a little bit and I watch him, sitting on the bed, I know that he'll be gone the whole day.
"...Are you going to do a show at that little club downtown?" I ask innocently and he nods, pulling off his pajama pants and he puts on his leather pants quickly.
I can tell this means a lot to him because music is really his true passion. He runs his hands through his hair and I watch him, holding my hands in my lap shyly and I look down, just knowing I'm going to miss him. He turns around to look at me and I listen to him sigh quietly. He comes up to me and takes my head in his hands.
"I'm sorry I've gotta do this bullshit to you all the time." He says and he kisses my cheek and then my lips for longer, making me blush.
"I don't gives me an excuse to work on my art, and to play with Lucifer and Peaches." Those were our two black cats, he only got to name his Lucifer if I got to name mine Peaches.
He smiles for a little bit and it makes my heart warmer, leaning up and kissing his lips.
"I love much." I say dreamily and Glenn looks between both of my eyes.
"I love you too, I would die for you...I would kill for you my angel." He mumbles and makes my heart tie in knots as he places soft kisses on my lips, biting my bottom lip slightly as he moves closer.
I reach up to him and he pulls me up off the bed, carrying me in his strong arms to the windowsill and he sets me down, I'm giggling the whole way. He smiles at me as we both stare into each other's eyes.
"...You better have a movie playing when I get home, I'm going to be tired and there's nothing I'd rather do than sit and watch Night of the Living Dead with my favorite girl." He mumbles playfully and kisses my neck again, I feel really flustered, giggling more and blushing bright red.
He always knows how to make me feel better when he's gone for a long stretch of time. He lets go of me after a little kiss and I smile at him.
"I promise." I whisper and I get up off the windowsill and I quickly throw on one of his tank tops with "the wolverine" plastered over it.
It's almost like a dress on me and I giggle, blushing and I look down. Glenn smiles at me and kisses my lips.
"...You look better than I do in that shirt..." he mumbles and I start to blush more, hitting his arm gently, it hurts my hand a little.
"There's no way." I whisper sweetly and innocently and he pulls his arm around my waist, making my eyes widen in surprise and I let out a little breath as I'm that close to him.
I stay with him longingly as he walks down the small set of wooden stairs to our living room. To the left of our living room we have our bathroom and off of that we have our kitchen and small dining room. To the right of the living room Glenn has his workout room and next to that is our "liberal arts" room as Glenn likes to call it. It holds his guitars, his mic and sound system and all of my art. The living room is filled with all sorts of obscure things, we have a fireplace littered with shrunken heads, various animal skeletons and horror memorabilia. Along the other wall, behind the black couch is a HUGE wall of bookcases, Glenn was an avid reader, much like myself from time to time. I watch as Glenn goes to the living room, putting on a few of his silver rings that he always leaves on the coffee table because it bothers him to leave them on for too long after his concerts. I sit gently on the couch, watching as our lengthy black cat Lucifer pounces onto the couch next to me, rubbing his soft head against my thigh. His greenish yellow eyes stare up at me. Lucifer is a lot more playful than Peaches is, we can never find her most of the time because of how skittish she is. I pet Lucifer between his ears softly and I watch Glenn.
"I'll be rooting for you from home." I say with a giggle and he smirks.
"I don't really need the encouragement, but I'm glad it's coming from you baby." He jokes and I roll my eyes a little bit softly at him.
He stares at me for a few seconds and my heart warms up at his dark gaze. He walks over and kisses the top of my head and then my lips quickly, petting Lucifer and earning a purr from him.
"...Won't be too long, this club is pretty familiar with us, not like those goddamn arenas they put us in...sometimes I just want to ring our manager's necks, they never know what the fuck they're doing." He shakes his head and I smile softly at him, watching him run a hand through his hair and look at the ground briefly before looking back at me, his usual glower laced on that sweet face of his.
I reach up slowly and I start to trace his tattoos in a fragile way and I can see him soften a little bit.
"I'm sure you can handle're the toughest guy I know." I whisper, kissing his arm gently where I was tracing his tattoos.
He smiles at me and my heart skips a beat, I blush as a result.
" know other tough guys?" He asks jokingly and I shake my head, rolling my eyes with the same blush on my face and I watch his irresistible laugh.
"Get out of here Danzig." I say playfully and he laughs, quickly going back to me and kissing my lips longingly.
This makes my eyes widen as he pulls me close with his strong arms and I let out a relieved breath. His hands run down my back and he finally lets go, I look from his eyes to his lips. "...Love you." He mumbles, I know he means it, he just has a hard time expressing some emotions sometimes, especially if it makes him "vulnerable".
My smile widens.
"I love you too." I whisper against his lips and he lets go of me reluctantly, taking his bag and he waves at me before walking out the door.
As soon as he leaves my heart drops a little bit. I know he'll be back, I just had a hard time accepting it sometimes, and those groupies were all over him, they couldn't resist him just like I couldn't. They're all disgusting in my opinion and Glenn has told me that he feels he same way. He told me this as we were sitting on the couch one day. I remember him talking about them all being the same and I smile a little to myself, knowing he wouldn't cheat on me, he's not that big of an asshole. I carry myself into the liberal arts room and I watch Lucifer follow me, staying right on my heels as I go to paint. Glenn doesn't return until after 11 at night. I'm sitting on the couch, Night of the Living Dead is sitting in the DVD player and I look over at the door, my heart pounding in my chest nervously. He's not coming back. I think to myself and I look at the door again. Suddenly the door opens a little loudly, slamming against the wall and I gasp. Glenn walks into the house, his mesh shirt clinging to his chest from the concert and he rubs his soft black hair with a towel. I smile a little bit and I start to giggle excitedly, setting one hand on my chest.
"Did I scare you?" He asks with a smile and my heart warms again.
I nod my head and I get off the couch, running over to him and I jump into his arms, my head against his chest and I keep laughing. I hear a little muted laugh and his strong arms wrap all around me, almost crushing me and I laugh, he lifts me up, carrying me over his shoulder with an absolute ease and I blush bright red, my eyes widen.
"Glenn!" I shout and he laughs.
"...You're all mine." He says and he carries me to the couch, throwing me on the couch while I'm laughing and he lays down next to me, wrapping me in his arms.
I giggle and I blush, kissing his cheek and he kisses my lips suddenly, moving to be over me a little bit and I take his head in my hands. I let go and I look at his eyes and his beautiful little smile, petting his long dark hair out of his eyes and I run my hands through it a little bit, just so happy he's back.
"Was the show everything you expected it would be?" I ask eagerly with a smile and I kiss his arm and then cheek twice.
He starts to smile more at me and he shrugs laying next to me again on the couch and still wrapping his arms around me.
"It wasn't much different than any other show really...but it was fun." He notes and I smile, loving to see him happy.
I know he has a lot of fun onstage that's really where he can be himself.
"I'm glad you had fun." I whisper and he raises an eyebrow at me, starting to kiss my lips twice and then my chin and my neck, smothering my neck with kisses and I blush bright red, gasping a little bit and I set one hand on the back of his neck.
"M-mm." I mumble a little and Glenn smiles against my neck, kissing harder and my eyes widen.
I set one hand on his chest gently and he looks up at me, stopping the kisses and he pulls me into his chest.
"Did anything life changing happen here while I was away?" He asks quietly and he grabs the remote, pressing play on the video tape in the player.
I shake my head gently.
"I did some painting and I called one of my friends...that's about it." I whisper and he watches me with his dark eyes.
He nods interestedly and we start to watch the movie for a pretty long time, just watching and enjoying each other's company in silence. Then Glenn speaks up to say something.
"I wanna see what you painted." He asks and I blush bright red, jumping a little bit and I look at him curiously.
"Y-you do?" I ask nervously and he flashes me a smirk.
"Yes, as I just said." He says and I giggle a little, getting up shyly.
I'm not sure if he really wants to see it but I take his hand, his fingers are a lot longer than mine and they intwine gently with mine as I hold his hand. I pull him into the liberal arts room, kissing his cheek softly before I let go of his hand, grabbing the painting I made earlier. It's a painting of an old house but it's cracked and there are ghouls and ghosts flying in and out of the windows. He waits patiently with his muscled arms crossed for me to show him and I go back over to him, holding up the painting for him to see and I grin a little. His eyes widen suddenly and he grabs the painting in both of his hands, being careful with it.
"This is...this is incredible baby." He says with an awestruck look.
My eyes widen and I grin more, looking down with a shy smile.
"Thank you..." I whisper.
Glenn shakes his head.
"Holy shit...can I hang this in the living room angel?" He asks permission and I blush bright red when he calls me "angel".
"S-Sure." I whisper and he grins at me, setting the painting down on a table and he walks over to me, taking my face in his hands.
I'm kind of awestruck, staring intently at him. He shakes his head and he kisses my lips passionately, his tongue grazing my bottom lip and I shiver. After he lets go, his forehead rests against mine, staring at me.
"I can't believe I ended up being in love with someone this talented." He mumbles softly into my ear and I blush, getting flustered from his praise.
"I-I love you Glenn." I whisper and he smiles really genuinely, causing my heart to want to burst.
"I love you too my angel." He whispers and he kisses me again.
I giggle a little and I slip out of his grasp, going to sit back on the couch and Glenn grins a little at me and then it drops back to his usual glower. He grabs my painting and he goes over to the living room, setting it down so he can hang it at a later time. I watch him eagerly, curling up on the couch. Glenn looks down at me and he brushes my hair out of my face softly from over the couch.
"I'm gonna go work out." He mumbles and I watch him with a little nod.
"Alright, I'm going to bed, remember to come up when you're done, don't work yourself too hard." I say and I go over to him, kissing his cheek and I see him blush a little bit along with his beautiful smile, which makes my heart go crazy.
"There's no such thing." He whispers and I laugh a little bit, walking up the stairs and I spot Lucifer looking at me with a little blank stare.
He meows longingly and I scoop him up into my arms. I think more about Glenn and how his show went. I smile a little bit and I softly shake my head at myself, knowing I shouldn't worry about groupies and crazed fans, trying to reassure myself that he only has eyes for one, and I hope to god that one is me. I kiss Lucifer on the forehead as I set him down in me and Glenn's bedroom on the plush black comforter. I think a little about him again and a gentle smile forms on my face. I start to creep down the stairs again, thinking I can go and surprise him while he's working out. I make my way cautiously through the living room, careful to make no sound. I peek delicately into his workout room to see him lifting some giant weights that I could never even imagine to lift myself. His arms are a little strained and he has taken off the mesh tank top. My eyes widen and I completely forget about what I was going to do, I just watch him with a very dreamy smile. I watch as his muscles tense and lift the weights. My small figure leans in the doorway, still wearing his wolverine tank top that falls above my knees. I let out a very shaky breath, he perks up and sets his weights down carefully, looking over with a slight scowl across his finely crafted features. He notices it's only me and his scowl drops, turning into a very slight half-grin that makes my knees weak. He runs a hand through his long, silky black hair. I almost whimper just looking at him. "Hello handsome." I joke a little bit and Glenn smiles warmly, a laugh passing through his beautiful lips.
His bare elbows rest on his knees.
"Miss me already?" He asks playfully and his little comment makes me blush bright red, looking down very shyly.
"M-maybe." I stutter a little bit.
He raises an eyebrow and he gets up off his bench, walking up to me and my breathing picks up.
"Maybe?" He asks back and I nod.
"I-I wanted to..." I mumble the last part a little bit and he traces one very long finger under my chin.
"You wanted to what?" He asks me and he makes many parts of me melt then and there. "I-I wanted...t-to scare you." I admit shakily and I look in his very dark eyes.
He raises his black, slightly sunken eyebrows, taking a step closer to me and I almost have to back up he's so overwhelming.
"...You wanted to scare me?" He asks with a little smile.
I blush and I nod my head hesitantly.
"Don't you know I'm not scared of anything?" He asks jokingly and I blush more.
"Y-you must be afraid of something." I whisper and I grin a little bit, moving closer to him and I set my hands delicately on his chest. He sets his hands over mine, I can feel the fluttered beating of his heart, mine feels the very same when I'm around him. He stares into my eyes with his, I watch his eyes, picking out hints of light copper and silver colors. It feels as if he's analyzing me.
"...I am afraid of one thing." He whispers almost too quiet for me to hear.
I perk up a little bit and I look in his eyes. "...what is it? If you don't mind me asking?" I ask in my very quiet voice.
He stares at me for a little longer, his gaze piercing my soul. Then he tears his eyes away from mine, staring at the ground with his seemingly unbreakable glower.
"'s nothing...I don't have any fears. I never have." He whispers a little angrily at himself and drops my hands.
My heart breaks a little bit at his lack of vulnerability but I know it's just a trait that makes him who he is.
"I-It's fine, you don't have to tell me." I whisper and he scoffs at me a little bit which makes my smile drop and my stomach ache within me.
I manage a smile even if he's not being the kindest and I lean up and kiss his cheek, feeling his strong cheekbones. He looks down at me and he starts to soften when I set my hand on his left arm, tracing his tattoos curiously to calm him down and he sits down on the workout bench with me sitting next to him. He looks at my eyes and he shakes his head, putting his head in his long hands and his soft hair falls in front of his face. He rubs his face and he looks at me again, letting out a long breath.
"....God I'm such a fucking idiot." He whispers which makes me perk up, my bright blue eyes widening and I move closer to him.
"I'm so sorry baby..." He whispers genuinely and he wraps his arms around me, I gasp as his arms kind of scoop me up, blushing like I usually do when he's affectionate.
"D-Don't worry about it." I whisper and Glenn shakes his head.
I push that little pesky strand of soft hair out of his eyes. He smiles at me and it makes my heart hurt with happiness.
"Thank you my angel." He whispers and it causes me to puzzle a little bit.
"For what?" I ask a little silently.
"For putting up with all my bullshit. You're the only one in my life who has..." he whispers and I smile a little bit.
"That's no problem...I kind of love you, bullshit and all." I say jokingly and he pulls me closer to him, laughing quietly.
I hug him closely even if he is a little sweaty from working out, I don't mind it really, it gives him character. We just sit there for a moment, wrapped in each other's arms.
"...My only fear is losing you." He whispers into my ear and I blush bright red, my eyes widening a lot.
I look back at his eyes and he stares between my two eyes. I then kiss him, hard. Our lips melt together as one, passionate and full as always. His strong arms pull me close and he sits me gently on his lap as we share a kiss. I can feel his heartwarming smile through our lips and my hands run down his toned chest. He backs me up and he stands up, carrying me in his arms, my legs still wrapped around his torso and he leads me to the living room hungrily, as if he can't possibly wait for the bedroom. He gets me down on that old black couch we bought from an antiques shop. I mumble a little bit as he breaks the kiss, kissing me down to my chin and my neck in a slow, enjoyable way. I think of something suddenly.
"G-Glenn?" I ask and he struggles to a stop suddenly, looking up at me with his wolfish eyes.
"Yes angel?" He asks and I blush.
"After don't...have sex with groupies or anything do you? I-I mean...I'm sorry." I whisper very shyly and he just smiles. "I go to my shows to have a good time on stage and play my music, there's no reason I would want to do any of that shit, especially when I have my favorite girl waiting for me at home." He explains to me with a little wink and it makes me giggle, biting my lip a little.
"...That's good." I whisper between my little shy giggles and he smiles, kissing my neck again hungrily and I gasp.
His lips trail down to my chest and I wrap my legs tighter around him, my hands tangling in his long, dark hair and he suddenly rips my shirt open, or rather, his shirt. I whimper a little bit at his strength, his lips teasing and tracing all over my chest now, my hips buck a little bit against his. He unhooks my bra shakily, kissing and sucking at my nipples in a hot way that makes me writhe a little bit under him and I moan. He growls a little bit softly and that makes me let out a shaky breath. He sits up then suddenly, my eyes widening a bit as I stare up at him, he unhooks his belt, his skull styled belt buckle coming undone easily and I bite the side of my lip a little bit. He flips his hair out of his eyes and I move up eagerly, unhooking his pants for him and pulling them down. He smirks a little at me and kisses my lips again, throwing off his pants a little sharply and he grinds his hips against mine a little between my legs, making me moan. "Glenn...s-stop teasing...j-just...oh god..." I moan as his lips roughly kiss my chest, almost sending me almost over the edge and I start to feel all his muscles in his chest with my fragile hands, he breathes a little shakier.
I know he likes when I do that. I move down and I cup his chin, kissing his neck roughly from under him and I smile a little bit as I feel his pulse go up. He shakes his head a little and he grabs my hands suddenly, pulling them over my head and he holds me there, my heart racing with excitement and a little fear. The corner of his mouth rises into a devilish smirk. "I'm in charge here." He whispers close to my ear in his quiet and dark tone and I whimper a little bit in pleasure.
He takes his belt quickly in his hands and he ties my hands above my head, tying me to the corner of the couch a little tightly so that I can only move my body.
"Glenn..." I whisper pleadingly.
"Shhh..." he hushes me and he kisses my chest again, leaving little love bites all over and I moan a little bit, my hips rising.
His hands move down my body, down my sides slowly and he rips off my black laced panties with ease, my heart pounding more at his strength. His long fingers slide in between my legs quickly, teasing me by rubbing my clit a little bit with his expert fingers that make me melt. I moan a little under my breath and I squirm a little under his fingers. He laughs darkly, kissing my stomach and his dark hair tickles my sides. Without warning suddenly his fingers slip inside me, he doesn't wait to start with one, he slips in two at once and it makes my legs shake, moaning a little loudly.
"Fuck..." I swear and he smiles evilly, liking to hear that.
My hands struggle a little against his belt and my hips raise into his fingers as he pumps me again and again, getting faster and faster and then he slips in a third finger, making my neck go back and I almost scream. He moves his fingers expertly, hitting my g-spot as if he had memorized it. I feel the pressure building inside of me as he kisses my stomach and pumps his fingers inside of me. I can't hold it any longer and my legs tighten a little bit as I hit my orgasm. He smiles a little through the stomach kisses and he slides his fingers out of me slowly and patiently, moving back up so his head is over mine and he kisses me again, my hands still bound. He reaches up while we kiss and he unties me, my hands immediately going to his arms and chest, taking in every inch of him. He smiles gently, letting go of the kiss and he grits his teeth, my hands going down to his underwear and I pull them off, not ready to wait any longer. He laughs a little.
"I'm going to take all of you...You are all mine." He says next to my ear a little menacingly and it makes me even more wet than I was.
He moves his dick against me between my legs and I shiver. He suddenly thrusts into me and I bite my lip to hold back a moan. His thrusts start out slow, teasing me and making me want him more. I push against him as well, making him groan a little bit in pleasure and my heart aches for more of him. He suddenly pushes hard and fast into me and I gasp. He moves against me quickly and roughly, it hurts a little bit but it feels too good for me to really care. I circulate my hips a bit around him and I move faster. He sets his head back, growling a little bit darkly and wolfishly and it makes me moan in response.
"Fuck..." he mumbles and he pushes harder into me, my legs wrapping tighter around him and I grip his strong shoulders.
"Glenn...more." I moan and he pushes harder and faster against me in response, I grit my teeth, biting back screams.
I can't take it any longer as he pushes roughly against me, knowing every little spot on my body to get me going. I scream out his name suddenly. He smiles a little in response and I can feel him reach his orgasm, I hit mine just a little before his, sending me over the edge with absolute euphoria. All I can do is just lay there, at completely tired out by everything and he pulls me close pulling out of me and he cradles me a little bit in his arms, making my heart beat a little faster to be close to him.
"...I fucking love you." He mumbles and I smile a little with a giggle, looking back into his eyes, blushing.
He smiles back at me, cuddling close to me on the couch and he pulls the dark black velvety blanket over us.
"I love you too." I whisper and I place a delicate kiss on his chin.
I can feel his heart beating fast as mine is. He moves to lay under me and I lay on top of him, my head resting against his chest and I let out a soft breath.
"...You're a devil Glenn Danzig, but you're my devil." I whisper and I can feel him smile.
He wraps his arms around my stomach, pulling me closer. He doesn't say anything back and I don't really expect anything, he doesn't really like talking that much. We just lay there, staring at the ceiling.
"I'm gonna marry you one day." He says suddenly and it makes my heart almost jump out of my chest.
I look back at him, blushing brightly. My head rests on his chest and I look up at his damn near perfect face.
"What do you mean?" I ask, this is surprising to hear coming from him.
He usually hates any type of serious commitment, at least that's what he told me. "...I mean exactly what I said. I've never found anyone I've wanted to marry as much as you before, I think you're the only one I could ever stand to spend my whole life with." He says in his quiet voice.
I blush bright red and I start to smile a little.
"...I would love that...then we could have a ton of kids and get a big suburban house and you could get a job as a nice banker or something." I joke and he grimaces a little.
"I wouldn't go that far, I don't want to lose the little bit of soul I have left, but marriage wouldn't be that bad." He mumbles and I grin. "...Not that bad at all." I whisper and I snuggle up to him, closing my eyes.
He starts to carefully pet my hair and I smile a little bit, falling asleep against him as he holds me close.

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