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"Your social guides give you swollen eyes but what I've got can't be bought so you can just call it what you want."


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"Everyone, please sit in your assigned seats." The substitute teacher begged all of us as everyone decided it was best to switch up the seating chart and take advantage. I looked around the classroom and noticed Harry wasn't present, so I plugged my earphones in and minded my business.

I didn't realize how popular Bones was until I came across his YouTube channel and saw how many views he had gotten over the last few days. Right beside me, a guy sat but I didn't mind. It was his assigned seat and he didn't want to witness the sub throwing a fit so he complied, unlike the rest of the immature fucks who talked back and sat wherever they pleased. It amazed me that the usual silent study hall was now rowdy and uncontrollable, just because our regular teacher wasn't here.

"You listen to Bones?" Adrian Sloan asked beside me and I pulled out my earphones to be polite.

"I just started to get into him but yeah, he's pretty cool."

Adrian was a quiet kid in my grade who everyone thought was extremely weird. All you need to do to fit into that category was to not be a popular kid dickeat, so Alicia, Mercutio, Danny and I were all weird. Adrian was just a tad bit different. There was a rumor going around that he was in a secret relationship with the librarian, Mrs. Wilmington because he always went to the library during lunch and after school. The thing that was weird or a tad bit different was that he never denied it. Either because he couldn't give a fuck or because he wanted it to be true. He was a pretty nice kid, though.

"I really like how he performs. He's really funny and talented." Adrian smiled and looked down at his phone to show me a recording. "I went to one of his shows a few weekends ago and he does this like, headbang thing-- see, it's really awesome-"

"Get out of my seat."

Adrian and I looked up to see Harry walking over to where we sat. He wore a tight line on his face and his usual knitted brow, a wrinkle forming above his nose. He wasn't pleased to see that I was talking to Adrian, and I didn't like the cliché bad boy aura he was giving off. "We're supposed to sit in our assigned seats." I spoke for him, looking back down at the recording.

"That is my assigned seat." Harry pointed at Adrian and he began to gather his things, pausing the video.

"Okay, but he was showing me something. You can't just chill for a second and let me watch?" I reached back out to Adrian's phone and pressed play. He pressed pause.

"I'll just show you later." He fidgeted and got up from the seat, trembling just at the sight of Harry. I rolled my eyes, knowing I wouldn't see the rest of the video and knowing that Harry thought his little intimidating moment would somehow turn me on. A scoff slipped from my lips when he plopped himself down onto the seat beside me. He noticed I wasn't having it and refrained from throwing his arm around my shoulders.

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