Jade Ditches

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Meanwhile, at the castle, Jade and Hugo met up with the kings.

"Okay, so what exactly are we supposed to do?" Jade asked.

"King Roland was just about to tell us," Hugo groaned.

"King Garrick and I have agreed to build manor houses for elves and gnomes in our kingdoms," Roland revealed. "We asked Sofia and Hugo to help us with this since they like to paint and draw different pictures of castles."

"Plus, we'll need plaques to place above the main entrances," Garrick continued.

"This should be fun," Hugo grinned. "Let's get started."

Garrick showed his son a few colors for ones of the manors. Hugo thought one of the shades of green would be great for the manor in his kingdom. "The elves and gnomes would love one of the greens," he smiled. "What do you think, Jade? Jade?"

But Jade wasn't listening to a word Hugo was saying. She struggled to twirl in her big dress—and her towering shoes. Hugo was losing his patience with this "princess."

"Jade, what are you doing?" Hugo frowned.

"Trying to twirl in this thing," Jade replied. "That's how Sofia gets attention when she wears her gowns."

"You're supposed to help design these houses, remember?" Hugo glowered.

"Can't you take care of that yourself?" Jade asked.

"Jade, when you decided to switch places with Sofia today, you said you'd do this with me," Hugo scolded her. "When you say you're going to do something, you can't just back out on them—and you shouldn't. You have to honor this commitment."

"But this is going to be so much work," Jade complained.

"Nevertheless, you have to honor this commitment whether you want to or not—unless you want Sofia to know that this is too much for you," Hugo threatened.

Jade was shocked—she didn't want Sofia to know what she was doing. "You don't mean that," she gulped.

"I wish I didn't, Jade, but I do," Hugo snarked. "A princess fulfills her commitments no matter how difficult they are—and unless you want me to squeal to Sofia that you're procrastinating, you have to get started on this."

Jade didn't want to do this, but she didn't want Sofia to win, so she came in to help. She wondered how Sofia was carrying on.

Meanwhile, back on the farm, Sofia was plowing a field—and she was doing a great job. Farmer Jackson was impressed with how the princess—I mean, "village girl"—was carrying on.

"It looks like I still have that farmer's touch," Sofia smiled.

"You're doing great, dear," Farmer Jackson grinned.

"Thanks, Farmer Jackson," Sofia said.

"I think that's enough work for a while," Farmer Jackson declared. "Let's take a little break."

"I don't know—I think the horses are hungry," Helen declared.

"Hugo gave me a bag of sliced carrots to feed any horses," Sofia declared. She pulled out a bag and scooped some sliced carrots in her hand. The horse quickly ate the carrots from her hand, and she let out an adorable giggle.

"Wait until Jade sees that being a villager isn't going to hold back Sofia's beauty," Ruby declared. "Speaking of Jade, I wonder how she's carrying on being a princess."

Sofia the First: The Princess and the VillagerWhere stories live. Discover now