That's Not Who I Am

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The next day, Hugo and Garrick went back to Enchancia Castle to help complete the plaques. Sofia and Hugo painted their designs on the plaques, and they were complete.

"Wow, that was fun," Sofia smiled.

"It sure was," Hugo agreed.

"Okay, kids, we'll let the plaques dry," Roland declared.

"In the meantime, you can hitch a ride on your horses," Garrick smiled.

Sofia and Hugo liked the sound of that. They raced to the stables to meet up with their horses. Minimus and Electra were happy to see Sofia.

"Maybe we should stop by the village," Sofia suggested. "I just hope Jade is in the mood to talk to me."

"Well, if she's not, then that's her problem," Hugo told her.

Sofia and Hugo got on their horses and rode to Dunwiddie.

In the village, Jade was affected by yesterday's events. She had no idea how Sofia had it so easy being a princess.

"Oh, Ruby, I thought having what Sofia had would be fun and easy, but it's not," Jade sighed. "She did a better job at being a village girl than I did at being a princess. She can do anything."

"Uh-oh, Jade—you'd better watch out," Ruby warned. "Look who's here."

Sofia and Hugo were flying in on their horses. Jade was still affected by yesterday's events, and she was barely happy to see the royals—especially Sofia. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"We finished designing the plaques for the manor house, so we came to see if you're okay," Sofia declared.

"Oh, I'm fine," Jade lied. But she knew that wasn't true, and she couldn't bring herself to lie to Sofia. "No, I'm not okay—not even a little. Sofia, ever since you became a princess, you've had it better than me."

Sofia was definitely shocked at that. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"I've envied you all these years, and I've always wanted to be a princess," Jade admitted. "You make everything look easy. Whether you're a princess or a villager, people will always love you more than me. I now understand why you get to be a princess, and I don't." She was so sad and ashamed that she started to sing.

Every day I see you wear tiaras and beautiful gowns

Every place you go, you get attention from everyone around

You've got what it takes—I know there is no doubt

You're so strong, a natural princess inside and out

But that's not who I am

Though it makes my heart break

That's not who I am

I don't have what it takes

Yesterday, I'd been rude and selfish—can't you see?

The entire time, I'd been thinking only of me

I was being a total brat and not a good friend

I was wrong to think I'm like you—it was all just pretend

'Cause that's not who I am

Though it makes my heart break

That's not who I am

I don't have what it takes

Sofia felt bad for Jade. "Oh, Jade, I know you feel bad about yesterday, but you don't have to be a princess to make people like you," she told Jade. "Throughout my years of being a princess, I learned what was more important than wearing gowns and tiaras and having the best stuff."

"What's that?" Jade asked.

"Having a big heart," Sofia replied. "Just because you're a villager, it doesn't mean you can't be a princess at heart. That means being kind and caring to everyone around you."

"I guess you're right, Sofia," Jade smiled.

"Just remember," Sofia grinned. She joined Jade in the song.

SOFIA: There is more to royalty than wearing a gown

Having a big and caring heart is better than a crown

Yes, that is who you are

We all make mistakes

That is who you are

You have what it takes

JADE: Yes, that is who I am

I will fix my mistakes

That is who I am

And I will come through, do all I'm meant to do

That is who I am

"Thanks, Sofia," Jade smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."

"By the way, just because I'm a princess, it doesn't mean I can't help Farmer Jackson—unless I have a commitment to fulfill," Sofia declared.

"Well, let's go and see how those plaques are coming along," Hugo declared.

"I'll see you later, Jade, Ruby," Sofia said. She and Hugo hopped on their horses and rode back to the castle.

Back at the castle, the plaques were dry and ready.

"You kids did a great job," Roland smiled.

"This totally calls for a celebration," Garrick said.

Hugo thought about this. "Well, I have always to see what life is like in a villager's point of view," he declared.

"Maybe we can help Farmer Jackson today," Sofia suggested.

Sofia the First: The Princess and the VillagerWhere stories live. Discover now