Chapter One

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     At fifteen years old, civilians would often joke with each other, all friends and go out to eat, teasing each other, being regular disturbances of adult peace. At fifteen years old, shinobi and kunoichi were chuunins, even some were jounins. They were learning to lead their teams, work on their own, and kill their target. Though, it hardly came to that anymore, they didn't need to kill as they once would, therefore were spared the pain of killing. They were more outgoing and almost all had friends, they were almost like normal teenagers. But there are always exceptions.
     At fifteen, he had known the pain of being alone, knew the pain of his first kill, even if it was unintentional. He knew the pain of being left behind, he knew how it felt to be hunted. He knew it all by the time he arrived once more at the gates of Konoha.
     He smiled serenely at his home once more, wondering- hoping- it had changed. He looked at the old man walking next to him. The man looked back at him and ruffled his hair. "Nervous, brat?" The boy smiled in his idiotic way.
     "Ha! You wish! I'm back in my element, y'know." The older man smiled in a strained manner. The boy looked at him with a sad expression. "I don't know how they've changed. I don't know how they've come to think, Ero-sennin." The man twitched at the name but sighed.
     They entered the village and immediately made their way to the Hokage tower. Of course, they ran into formality after formality until they reached the office. "Should we go through the door, or should we go through the window like you used to," The boy said cheekily. The man chuckled deeply.
     "Best not annoy her so soon, she might banish both of us from the village," the man said in reply and knocked on the door. A feminine voice told them to enter and they did.
     "Jiraiya, it's good to see you again, I trust you've taken care of Naruto." The Hokage, Tsunade, said in a happy tone. The boy, Naruto, entered the room after the old man, Jiraiya, and stepped to stand in Tsunade's line of sight. He heard a slight inhalation. "Naruto, you've grown so much." Naruto smiled brightly.
     "And you stayed young and beautiful as expected, Baa-chan," Naruto said. Tsunade noticed his voice had smoothed out rather than grown deeper, it barely had his usual scratchy tone. Now it was a smooth tenor. She smiled at what he said.
     "Is that flattery, young man. It seems you've matured some, brat." Jiraiya smiled at the interaction.
     "He's grown immensely into his power, I'd say, maybe, stronger than Kakashi now." Tsunade's eyes doubled in size before narrowing.
     "I was thinking that we should put that to the test. Along with my student, Sakura, they should test against him again." Tsunade said this all with a smirk. 'My student has grown as well, Jiraiya. I want to see how far they've both come against Kakashi." 
     "Baa-chan, Kakashi-sensei is outside the window. He's been there for five minutes," Naruto said pointing an accusing finger at the left-most window behind her desk. Tsunade clicked her tongue.
     "He's on time for once. He better not have planned on staying there for two hours." Jiraiya and Naruto nodded solemnly, both knowing just how the copy-ninja was. Naruto opened the window and hopped out, he landed in front of an impressed Kakashi.
     "Good job, Naruto. How did you sense my chakra," Kakashi asked the blond, who, for once wasn't dressed in an orange jumpsuit, rather, he wore a black and red jacket with black pants and standard black sandals.
     "I didn't, I saw your hair out the window," Naruto gestured toward the jounin's gravity defying hair. "Maybe comb it down, it looks as long as mine," Naruto gestured again, but this time to his longer, tamed hair. It was starting to reach his shoulders and he tied it back. Naruto smiled brightly and reached into his pouch. "By the by, Kakashi-sensei, I've got a present for you."
     Kakashi looked at him in surprise. "That's kind of you, Naruto." When Naruto pulled a book out, Kakashi froze. "Is- is that what I think it is," he said carefully. Naruto passed it over and Kakashi nearly fell over where he was. "This is the newest edition of Icha Icha, it's not going to be on shelves for another three months." Kakashi exclaimed. Naruto laughed at the man loudly. His face was priceless.
     Jiraiya popped his head out the window.  "Hey brats, get in here." Both of them came back into the office and saw the newest member of the get together. Naruto smiled.
     "Sakura-chan." He exclaimed brightly only to be smacked on the head.
     "You're being too loud." The pink-haired kunoichi complained. Naruto had nearly gone down with the blow as it was a lot harder than she used to hit. He rubbed the back of his head, soothing the pain slightly.  Nobody but Jiraiya found anything wrong with the interaction as that's how it used to be. "Sakura-chan, I got you a present from my travels." He smiled hopefully.
     "I'm not interested, sorry." She said as she looked him up and down. "Naruto sure has grown, he's a bit taller than me now. And he actually looks pretty good. Ugh, bad Sakura, Naruto is the same idiot he's always been. He's even trying to get me to date him by giving me a present already.'
     Naruto looked crestfallen. "You don't even know what it is," he said in a dejected tone.
     "It's probably a ramen coupon or something." Her response made Jiraiya frown again. He knows Naruto would never be that thoughtless, if ever thoughtless. He saw Naruto ignore any pain he felt at being written off and pull a book of pressed flowers from each of the villages they visited and hold it out to Sakura who didn't even look at it and brushed passed him to stand across from Tsunade's desk.
     Naruto just put it back in his pouch and turn back to everyone with a bright, dim-witted smiled. "Baa-chan, are we gonna do a free-for-all? Ooh, maybe a mock rescue mission?" Naruto rambled, trying not to show how quiet he wanted to be. Again, he felt jarring pain against his head as Sakura hit him. He decide to whine childishly so he didn't lash out. Jiraiya saw this and stood by Naruto, between him and the volatile female. Kakashi remained oblivious and Tsunade hadn't noticed either.
     "You won't be doing any of that, brat. I've decided that we should go back to the basics and do the Bell Test." Naruto and Sakura froze at Tsunade's words. Sakura smiled as she remembered the Bell Test they did while Naruto could only think one thought.
     'Are you kidding me?'

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