Chapter Three

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     "Hinata, for you I got a book. Not just any book, not just one book. Three books." He took out a storage scroll and extracted three large books from it. "This first one is one of herbs and their medicinal properties. I noticed you made a couple of medicines in your youth and kinda hoped you'd still be into it. The second is a guide on how to create new jutsus. I figured that's be useful." He handed the books to her while explaining. "The last one is a collection of myths and legends that I think are pretty inspirational. It's one of those gifts meaning 'I believe in you', y'know."  She looked at the books gratefully and smiled. She put them into a scroll and then into her hip pouch. She smiled and gave Naruto a careful hug. He returned it gently, remembering how shy she used to be and glad she's mostly gotten over it.
     "Where were you heading?" Naruto broke away from Hinata's hug and looked at Shino, who was the one who had spoken.
     "To the barbeque place over there to see if Shikamaru and Choji are still there like Ino said. I was just over there." Kiba jumped up.
     "They're still there. Choji is eating up a storm as usual. Say, Naruto, when you finish up there what do you say we go spar?" Akamaru barked in agreement but Naruto shook his head.
     "No can do, I have to go test or whatever with Kakashi and Sakura later. Baa-chan wants to see how far we've come." Kiba nodded in understanding.
     "So she's having you all fight each other," Kiba said.
     "You would think so. However, she wants us to work together against Kakashi for the bell test again. Not very productive in seeing how we individually grew. And with how Sakura is shaping up to remain to be, it's her plan or no plan."
     "Naruto, it looks like you grew a brain. When'd you get so smart?"
     "Huh, what are you talking about Kiba, that's just what ero-senin said to me."
     "Should have known. Sakura has been the same since you left. Almost like she never aged, it's hard to believe seeing as she's always told you to grow up."
     Hinata stepped up to say her piece. "She's still pinning after Uchiha. She is still hoping he'll come back someday. Even if he did he'd be imprisoned at best. He betrayed the village and she believes he'd get off scot-free."
     "He is the last Uchiha. If he did come back, it'd be on house arrest, if that. He's a vital blood-line in the village. The villagers counsel would overrule the Shinobi counsel, for some God forsaken reason." Naruto replied in a dark tone. "I think too many good Shinobi have already risked their necks to bring him back."
     "I'm surprised to hear that, Naruto," Shino stated simply.
     "Well, I may be an idiot but I do have common sense. I see the world from a new glass."
     "Not that idiotic if I say so." A new voice penetrated the conversation. Naruto turned, unsurprised, to see Choji and Shikamaru standing behind them.
     "Cho, Shika, great seeing you. Now that you're here, I have something for both of you. Cho, you first." Naruto reached into his pouch for the umpteenth time that day.
     "You got us presents, man, you didn't have to," Choji said in an embarrassed tone. Shikamaru simply rubbed the back of his neck.
     "How troublesome." Naruto huffed a laugh and pulled out a pouch.
     "This my dear friend is a collection of the most delicious recipes throughout the villages and small samples of each one, you can have a small taste of them in a small pill."
     "Naruto, that's so awesome, how could you even think of something like this?" Choji reached out carefully, as if the most precious jewels sat within this pouch.
     "Simple, whenever something reminded me of one of you guys, I did what I could to get it. Now, Shikamaru," Naruto pulled out a scroll as he spoke. "You are a simple man, with simple wants and needs, so I didn't have to work too hard to get this together." He handed it over.
     "Co-ordinates? And directions?" Shikamaru looked confused.
     "Indeed, my friend. Those are the co-ordinates and directions for the best cloud watching areas in every village a visited. And, if you don't feel like walking, put some blood on the co-ordinates and add a little chakra, boom, you're there. Includes Konoha."
     "This isn't as troublesome as I thought it'd be. Thanks, I guess. I'll put this to good use." Naruto gave a bright smile and looked at the sky.
     "Say, I don't have much time left but have you guys seen Lee, TenTen, and Neji?" Hinata nodded.
     "TenTen said they'd be at the training grounds until late today, they should still be there." She smiled at him happily. " It's great to have you back Naruto, thank you for the gifts."
     "Thanks for the info, Hinata. It's not a problem, you guys should know how far I go for my friends. This isn't even a dent." He turned around and took off. "See you guys later," he yelled back.
Various farewells were yelled back as he ran. Now to find Team Gai.

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