Chapter Two

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"Isn't the point of the Bell Test to teach us how to work together, rather than show our strength," Naruto pointed out desperately. He had a feeling that Sakura wouldn't work with him. Actually, it was more of a feeling that she'd order him around and ignore anything he said.
"That's correct but you have been apart so long, we thought I'd give you a more secure feeling to be able to rely on each other," Tsunade stated, loosely clamping her hands together in front of her face. Naruto wanted to point out how that doesn't help either student. How it would only cause problems but he kept quiet. He didn't want them to react negatively to him pointing out such flaws. He clamped his mouth shut and nodded.
"Good reasoning, Baa-chan." His smile grew more dim-witted and Jaraiya was already worried for the boy's mental health. During they're travels he was so different, here he devolved back to how he acted three years ago. He noticed Kakashi look at Naruto a bit more closely but shrug quickly.
"You both have an hour to get to training ground seven, we'll begin when we get there." Kakashi was quick to say as he buried his face in his new book. Naruto smiled at how his old sensei enjoyed his present. With a nod, they were both dismissed. Sakura immediately left, not really wanting to be hit on by her friend. Naruto decided to find his old friends.
He walked down the road, ignoring the hateful stares he never missed. Once in a while a rock or egg would be chucked at him, only to be caught or dodged. He didn't feel like dealing with it right now and smiled when he saw a familiar flower shop on his right. He turned that way and walked in, and grinned when he saw a fellow blonde arranging flowers. She looked up as she heard the door open, eyes widening when she saw who it was. "Naruto?"
"The one and only, y'know!" She smirked a bit.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Naruto nodded and started rummaging through his pouch.
"I got you something on my travels, I was pretty sure you'd like it." He extracted a red sprits bottle from his pouch, having to take out Sakura's gift and hold it. He looked at Sakura's gift with veiled sadness but smiled quickly, knowing just what to do with it. "This bottle contains a very powerful poison to humans. However, if you spray a poisonous plant with it, the plant will become approximately twenty times more deadly. I thought it would be useful to you and, considering a lot of poisonous plants are beautiful, that you could appreciate them living longer due to the spray."
Ino gasped and held out her hand. "Naruto, this is wonderful! Where did you get it?"
Naruto scratched his neck, looking away. "When we were in Tea Country I kinda helped a poison mistress synthesize the formula." Ino looked thoughtful.
"I didn't know you were good with science."
"I'm not, but I'm very good with plants, y'know. I used to have a bunch when I was younger." He gave her a large grin. "That was your specific gift, I thought of you when I got it but here's something else." He handed her the book of pressed flowers and she began to look through it. "I made it for Sakura but... She didn't even look at it so, I thought 'If Sakura won't take it then I know who will love it!' and so I give it to you, y'know."
"Naruto, that's so sweet. I don't know what's wrong with Sakura but she should be happy you were so thoughtful. Thank you, Naruto, I'll take good care of these." She stepped forward and embraced her fellow blonde. He froze slightly then hugged her back gently. 'Maybe Konoha has gotten better.' They stepped away from each other and laughed lightly.
"Any idea where your teammates could be, I want to say hi and give their gifts before I train."
Ino giggled again. "Shika and Choji should be at the barbeque place down the road. They'll be happy to see you again Naruto. It's good to have you back."
"It's good to be back, y'know! I'll go find them. I'll talk to you soon!" He laughed, running out the door.
"Bye, Naruto!" Ino turned and grabbed her presents, fully intent on trying her new poison out.
Naruto walked down the road, relaxed and smiled when he smelt a familiar smell. "It smells like dog, y'know!" He said loudly and smirked when her heard a groan and deep bark. He turned to see Kiba and Akamaru trying to sneak up on him, Hinata and Shino farther behind him, walking normally.
"Naruto, you came back! I thought you were too scared of fighting me again so you fled." Kiba walked closer and punched his arm lightly. Akamaru nudged his hand happily.
"No way, Dogbreath! I could flatten you in a heartbeat, y'know!" Kiba made an offended noise. Her looked to see Shino and Hinata waiting for him to acknowledge them. "Hinata, Shino, it's good to see you guys again." Shino nodded politely.
"I-it's great to see you again, Naruto. Have you been well?" Naruto smiled brightly.
"I'm the best I've ever been! I loved travelling, I got some gifts along the way!" Naruto rummaged through his bag, first drawing out a small pouch. "First, for Shino, specially made bug treats. They give your little friends twice the stamina they usually have and replenishes chakra quickly. Pop on of these suckers in your mouth, chew, and swallow and you'll be a fearsome bug user with happy insects buzzing around, y'know!"
Shino sent out a bug to inspect the item before nodding and taking it with a grateful bow. Naruto bowed back politely with a grin. "For Kiba and Akamaru!" He said digging in his pouch and taking out a scroll and a bag. "One scroll for Kiba, includes over a thousand techniques for animal and human fighter pairs and has an unused blood seal for privacy purposes. And one bag of incredibly rare treats for Akamaru, made for mostly healing purposes, the treats almost immediately heal semi-major wounds and taste great." Kiba took the scroll and treats excitedly. He looked in the scroll and gasped.
"Naruto, these are so wicked! These techniques I've never even heard of. The treats smell delicious! Thanks man!"
"And last but certainly not least, the lady of the group, Hinata." She looks red-faced and nervous as she pressed her index fingers together.

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