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Alice's POV~

When I got up and walked away from my mother's dead body I went back to our home and to see if she was keeping anything from me, while walking home I felt dizzy but ignored it and walked home. When I got home I walked to the door and opened it, while getting in I saw blood on the walls which I didn't care and walks to the closet where mom kept all the stuff, I opened the closet and took out a box where she kept all her papers. I opened the box and looked at papers and tried to look for my birth certificate but didn't find it "huh... s-stran-ge" I got up while tic and twitching  and walked to my mom's room and looked around even I looked at her secret safe, I didn't find anything 'where is it?' I thought, but I got dizzy all of a sudden, while walking around holding my head I made it to a tiny place in the wall and was no longer dizzy "what... is this?" I asked myself. I opened the small door like thing and opened it to see my... mother's diary, I grabbed it and opened it and saw 30 pages "let's see what she was hiding.


I went to The Slender Manor and went in on the latest time and to get what I  wanted, the couple's child, Tobias and Evan's child... I was in the manor and heard a lot of snores, I went to the stair case and climbed it without making noise. I made it to the top floor and my worse obstacle... everyone's door was open 'dammit...' I thought. I got on my knees and hands and crawled to Tobias and Evan's room to grab their child "Alice", when i made it to what their room was i got up to see if the child was here and she was, Alice was sleeping in a gray crib, i walked to the crib. When i walked to the crib i loomed over to see a sleeping child in a pink onesie 'How adorable' i thought, i saw her turn on her stomach so i grabbed her lightly so she wouldn't wake up and cry, when i held her close i looked over at the sleeping couple, i turned and took one step but it made a loud creak which woke both of them up and they looked at me with horror whie i smiled at them. That's when the child wokes up and stared crying and i cursed under my breath, i saw Tobias get up and that's i darted out the door and i heard Tobias yelled which woke everyone and look out their door to see me "It's her!" Jeffery said and ran towards me and so did Jane but i was to quick for them. I made it to the bottom of the stairs and ran towards the door and went outside to only see The Slender Man. He threw a tendrill at me but missed when i slid under him, protecting Alice, when i got up thats when i ran again but started to hear static but blocked it out and kept running. Once i was at the opening of the forest i ran out where they all stopped chasing me, i stopped and looked back to see a Jeffery and Evan holding back a crying and screaming Tobias then he looked at me and i saw rage in his eyes but i justed laughed it off and ran back to my house. When i got back home, i went upstairs to got to bed and hold what was rightfully mine.

End of POV~

My eyes where watering becuase i was stolen, i was in rage and i threw the book and just sat down, crying my eyes out while kneeling "it's a good thing i killed the Bitch!" i yelled at nothing while mt tic and twitches where going crazy. I got up and walked to my room and opened the door, once i was inside still crying i went to my closet and looked for something, i saw it and took it out and went outside with gasoline and a lighter, when i was outside i pourded gasoline all around the house and on three boxes of stuff thatWOMEN got me. when i turned on the lighter and threw it on the gasoline it lit the who place on fire and when that happened i heard sirens while the fire was spreading onto trees and bushes, while the sirens got closer i ran, i ran to the place where i belong. I was running to the forest and still heard sirens but alos heard voices, they where yelling, while running to the forest i saw a figure and got dizzy. I made it to the forest and looked around and started crying from what i rememberd in that book, while walkig deeper in the forest i felt changes in my body, i stopped and looked around then my right eye felt... weird ..... so i tocuhed my eye but actually ripped it out and screamed from the pain, i fell to my knees holding my now bleeding eye but the pain soon faded away, when i uncoverd my eye it was spilling black-like blood and i did the wiredest thing, i put my finger in my now empty eye socket felt it spill the blood. I got up and stared walking again and saw my skin start to turn a dark gray while my tic and twitches are now going crazy but they stopped and went normal but I twitch every few minutes now and then. I stared to get lonely and saw it was getting dark, so I did the most stupidest thing but I thought first 'what should I say.... but I know that I have parents and she said The Slender Man so..... is he like my grandpa? ill just yell something weird' so I inhaled and yelled something weird "GRANDPA-SLENDER!?!" I yelled so hard that I attracted a few animals. hehe... oops

Jeff's POV~

I was talking to EJ to see if we can do something to take his mind off Alice "so, do you have anything to help Toby, at least make him forget for a little while?" I asked EJ and he was going to speak when we heard a girl yell "GRANDPA-SLENDER?!?", it sounded so familiar then we heard foot steps down the stairs and saw Toby run up to us "did you guys hear that?" he looked like... he saw Alice for the first time in 15 years, "yeah we did and we al-" EJ then looked at Toby and he looked back and they ran to the front door. The others came to me and even Slenderp came and asked and I just said to follow EJ and Toby and we all did but ran after them 'cause them running together is like a car...damn....

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