-Chapter 23-

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Hermione and I walk up to The Three Broomsticks. We go inside and get a table for too. The wooden chairs creek as we sit down.

"So, what do we do now?" Hermione asks me.

"Well, we can wait for Ginny to walk in, then kiss. Or, we can just start a make-out session." I reply.

Hermione blushes. "O-oh, u-um, well, I gues we can just wait..."

"Gotcha." I reply.


Ginny is in clear view to me, she's heading into The Three Broomsticks. I grab Hermione by her coat collar, and press her lips against mine.

Her eyes are open in shock for a moment, but then she realizes what happened and deepens the kiss.

All I hear is a gasp, presumably from Ginny, and a camera flash.
I release Hermione from my grasp, and see what happened.

Rita Skeeter stood there, smirking. She was showing us with questions. "Are you together?" Or "how long have you been together?" Or, "Harry, what about you and Ginny?"

I sigh, grabbing Hermione's wrist, and storm out of the bar. Ginny moves out of the way.

"Well, Harry, that'll be in the Daily Prophet for sure." Hermione says.

"Yeah, front page". I chuckle.

"C'mon, lets go back to Hogwarts." Hermione says, pulling me forwards.



I sigh, looking at Harry reading a book on the couch.

I only said I would go along with the revenge because I wanted to be more then friends; even if it's fake.

I wonder if he'll soon realize, that I like him. I wonder if he likes me too.

There is so much to wonder about. Wonder. It's such a strange word.

I wonder when he'll finally realize, I don't want to pretend anymore.


Okay, okay! I'm sorry it's so short, and I haven't posted in weeks! I'm soooooooo sorry!!!  I have a horrible case of writers block, and I don't know how to get rid of it.

Hopefully while I'm away I can come up with something!

Yeah, so, I will be away for two weeks, so I wouldn't expect another chapter until late-August, or early-September.

I know, kinda a stretch. I hope I can write on the plane and such.

Thanks for reading!


Word Count: 380

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