Chapter Five: The Strange Feeling

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Right after Chrys and Sombra left, Tirek had regained consciousness. Then a cloaked figure walked slowly in front of him, her eyes piercing his soul. "You have failed this mission Tirek..... and me!". The figure said. Tirek stuttered, "P-please, forgive me ma'am! Sombra was much more powerful than I had ever imagined! Especially w-when it came to Chrysalis! I promise, next time I will try even harder than ever, ma'am...". "ENOUGH EXCUSES!!!". Yelled the figure. Then she turned Tirek to stone, and just when she was about to break his stone tomb she heard howling. The figure then saw Chrysalis carrying Sombra in the distance, which filled her with disbelief, fury, and despair. "Don't you worry, Sombra. I will make sure we are reunited once again!" She chuckled. The next day Sombra felt something shine on his face. Once he had awaken, he saw Rover, Fido, and Spot sleeping together in a pile three or four feet away from Sombra. Just then he remember the last thing that had happened before he fell asleep. "Chrys!". He gasped. Then he heard, "What is it?". Chrys was right next to the healing pool, showing a sweet, friendly smile at him. "Took you long enough, didn't it?". She said playfully. Tears started swelling up from Sombra's eyes. Once she noticed this, she said, "H-hey, is everything al-". Before she could finish, Sombra galloped and hugged her, saying, "I'm so glad you're ok!". Chrys didn't know what to do except..... hug him back! Sombra started to cry, and yet he was smiling at the same time! Sombra realized that he felt something for Chrys. Like some strange feeling for her. Something... more than care, but he didn't know what it was. Though he didn't know it, Chrys felt the exact same way! She started crying while smiling as well. After what seemed like hours, they both finally calmed down. What either of them didn't know is that the mutts had already woken up and secretly went into the bushes to leave them alone. Once Sombra stopped crying, he realized where they were. He then checked his leg that he injured the night before. It was fully healed and he never realized it. They were at the healing pool once again. "Look, Chrys...... there's... something I have to talk to you about.". Sombra began to say. Though she was afraid, she then replied, "Well, fire away....".

How it came to be. (A Sombra x Chrysalis fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now