Alternate ending

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Tirek was holding Sombra by the horn as he held him over a cliff. "Any last words, you pitiful runt?". Tirek said. "Y-you may think you've won, but you never will. And you will never know love. Or friendship. And........ I feel sorry for you.". Sombra stuttered. He then turned to shadow and enveloped Tirek within it. "No! NO!". Tirek cried. Sombra then uncontrollably flew around as shadow and smoke. Meanwhile Chrys was looking for Sombra when she saw the collided umbrum and centaur and cried, "SOMBRA!". the two crash landed in the castle of the two sisters. As Tirek regained his strength from the fall, he saw Sombra had crashed onto the stairs, leaving a shallow hole where Tirek saw him... motionless. He was dead. He chuckled as he limped toward the corpse, "I had told you before Sombra. You don't stand a chance when it comes to me..... and I knew from the beginning that you would lose everything. Hmm?". He then heard barking and howling coming towards him and then a, "VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!". Tirek stood his ground as he put an invisible force-field on Sombra's body. The diamond dog army then shot their horn-like wands at Tirek, though he dodged. He then led them away from the force-field as Chrys came in after the whole fiasco. "Sombra? Sombra!". She called, then landed on the force-field. she gasped, "Sombra!". She then broke the force-field with her magic and slowly walked up to Sombra. Chrys tried to say his name, but instead barely stuttered. She then held Sombra in her hooves. She whispered, "N-no..... I never got to tell you... It's all my fault. If I only got here sooner. And now.........". "YOU'RE THE ONLY STALLION THAT EVER LOVED ME!!!". She cried.
Meanwhile, Sombra eyes had opened his eyes to a...... white court room? He was cuffed and so was his horn. everything seem to look like clouds. "Sombra! your crimes against Equestria has worn your reputation thin.". Said a red haired figure. "Huh?!". He gasped. "You are a hereby sentenced to the Underworld!" The figure said once again. Sombra started to panic. "W-wait! I have to go back! Crys needs me!". "WAIT!". Someone said. He recognized her instantly. It was Radiant Hope! "Your highness, he has to get back to earth. Chrysalis loves him, a-and he can't just leave her in her time of need!". The figure thought for a moment, then said, "Very well. On one condition! Just...... don't hurt Equestria anymore.". Sombra agreed, then once his cuffs were off he instantly went to Radiant Hope. "Hey um... Thanks.". He said awkwardly. she then replied, "No problem!". The next thing he knew he felt somepony's heartbeat. He then started to cough and said, "I-i love you too...". To his surprise he saw Chrys looking shocked as he saw tears still running down her cheeks. "S... Sombra?". She asked. "The one and only....". He chuckled. Tears of sadness became joy as they hugged. After that moment, Sombra and Chrys shared a loving gaze and then kissed!

How it came to be. (A Sombra x Chrysalis fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now