Genre: Magical Girl, Dark Fantasy
Short plot:
Madoka Kaname is a 14 year old girl who crossed paths with a mystical creature named Kyubey. Madoka, along with one of her friends (Sayaka Miki) are offered magical powers in exchange for a contract with the creature. With that, they each get a wish, but with the fault of having to risk their lives to fight witches. (They're invisible to the human eye, FYI.)
I started this one whilst studying for finals (>-<) , so I never got the chance to finish this. But let me say, I had friends who watched and LOVED this series, and they aren't the type for anime whatsoever. Either way, this one seems cutesy;;; but it left me crying. Still, two thumbs up from me!
8.5/10 ♫ (don't wanna rate it fully, I haven't finished =_=
Yes. Just do it.
Author's question:
If you could get one wish from Kyubey, what would you wish for?
Next up:
A game~! ★
anime reviews #1
Randommy standpoint on anime i've watched so far of course, this is all my opinion. (may include manga or game reviews, too)