10. Hogwarts Hit List - Detention.

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Chapter 10

The buzz of Halloween was forming around the school when the day finally arrived, all students excited for the extravagant feast to be served on the night of the thirty first, though Estella was excited for a reason other than that, detention would be over soon. In the few days from her talk with McGonagall with Theo to Halloween, she had officially gotten detention for hurting another pureblood.

McGonagall had caught her in the act, the boy was shouting slurs at a group of first year girls harmlessly talking about their favourite film, and when the boy heard them talking about something unfamiliar to him, he screamed, "don't talk about your mudblood act's here, you filthy little dirty bloods - if you wanna talk about muggle shit, get out of Hogwarts!"

It was at that moment that Estella stepped in, pushing the boy away from the three girls who were evidently terrified, soon getting comforted by Theo who had crouched down, sending them comforting smiles and reassuring them that he was a muggleborn too, and that his very good friend was going to sort the boy out for being so mean.

Estella had noticed that Theo was particularly good at comforting the muggleborn's that fell victim to the twisted words the pureblood's sent their way, she couldn't deny that seeing the soft features of his face, paired with an unusual kind smile that was very different from the usual smirk was a nice change, it made her heart swell.

But in that moment, she wasn't thinking about him as much as usual, in fact, she was thinking about the pureblood she had against the wall, her strength coming to her in her fit of rage, "like usual," she growled, but before she even told him how she was going to deal with him, she swiftly brought her knee up between her legs.

"I'll just be a second," Theo spoke quickly to the three girls, rushing over to Estella when he saw that McGonagall had witnessed it.

"Miss Pettigrew!" McGonagall shook her head, "has my talk with you not stuck in your head?!"

"Yes, but-"

"No but's, Estella," McGonagall tutted, sending her a disappointing stare whilst Estella's shoulder's slumped, "detention."

"Wha - Professor!" Estella exclaimed, running a frustrated hand through her hair, "that's so unfair, he deserved it!"

"I told you I would have no choice if you inflicted violence upon another student," McGonagall shook her head, "Madam Pomfrey isn't happy with the number of students having to go to her with broken noses."

"I didn't hit anyone's nose this time!" Estella grumbled, sharing an annoyed look with an angry Theo who knew she didn't deserve detention in the slightest, "if I'm getting detention for doing the right thing, he should get expelled!"

"Maybe so, Estella," McGonagall sighed, "but that decision is for Professor Dumbledore to make."


"I expect you to be in my class tomorrow, Estella," she shook her head, seeing the girl's eyes widen even more.

"Tomorrow, but, Professor that's Halloween!" she screeched, her hands curled into fist. The boy she hurt was still groaning on the ground, there was no need to send him to the hospital wing, as he would be find in a few moments, so Professor McGonagall simply turned to walk away.

Theo felt terrible, especially since Estella's anger was triggered by her friendship with him, he felt somewhat annoyed that she had to go through detention alone, and whilst he knew that if his mother found out that he got another detention, she would go crazy, he wasn't thinking straight.

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