23. Hogwarts Hit List - A thought.

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A thought

Chapter 23

It was no use for her, she had tried telling a few people that it wasn't her, people she knew she could trust, like Annie and even Coraline no matter how much bitterness the girl had towards her, the girls seemed to trust her word, mostly when she said she had been to see McGonagall about it and the woman believed her, which gave the girls the opportunity to believe her too, knowing full well that if McGonagall had her suspicions, then Estella would be out of the school. Or she would be sent to Dumbledore for further inspection, but the rumour wasn't that drastic.

The boys had faith in her, Peter was making it his job to shut down anyone who said anything about his sister whilst he was in earshot, it was a rather surprising occurance for purebloods to be shut down by someone who usually didn't even open his mouth, but the boys weren't surprised when the purebloods shut up, Peter wasn't a shouter in the slightest, so when it did happen - which was definitely rarely - it made everyone finally shut their mouths, and Peter was thankful for it. he was shaking like a leaf with the confrontation, but Estella was definitely worth it.

Theo was the only source of comfort that Estella had seeing as he was the only one who truly knew what happened, and was a part of it as much as she was, though he wasn't the one getting accused, so Estella couldn't help but feel very alone for the most part. She felt as though no matter where she went, unless it was Theo's dorm, she felt very alone.

She was rather thankful that Purebloods were so proud, well, the ones that liked to harass her as much as they could, because all of them wouldn't dare to step foot into a room that had the word 'mudblood' on the door, and whilst it was so terribly stupid, Estella couldn't deny that she was rather thankful for it.

Currently, she was in the only place that she seemed to get peace, which just so happened to be Theo's dorm. It was dimly lit, and Theo was trying to sleep whilst she lay at the bottom of his bed, her back was rested against one of the wooden posts and her knees pulled to her chest whilst her chin rested on her legs pulled up close to her.

she felt as though there was no point anymore, her tears streamed down her face unknown to Theo who was softly snoring, the noise clouding his dorm though it was able to soothe her whilst the terrible thoughts ran through her mind.

Over the time that the young first year had found the bodies in the lake, her mind had been in overdrive thinking about everything, she was wondering if there was a loophole, a way out, a way for her to run away from it all and not have to face all of the consequences.

There was one way.

And she'd be lying if she said that it hadn't entered her mind countlessly.

Her mind always seemed to wander to Theo, he didn't need to have a part in this if Estella said he didn't, she didn't want him to be a target for the purebloods. She could say he didn't have a part in it, but that would mean turning herself in, and no matter what - she wouldn't go to Azkaban for purebloods, for death eaters.

Her eyes scanned over the dormitory as she pulled on the blanket at the bottom of the bed, her eyes lingering on a sleeping Theo who was exhausted. Estella felt terrible for Theo's lack of sleep, knowing that for the most part it was because he was staying up with her when she just couldn't seem to sleep, or when she did, a new nightmare would creep into her mind and sleeping was simply out of the question.

He needed his sleep and Estella knew that, which is why she was trying to keep her distance. She didn't want him having to stay awake again for her, he was a lot more considerate for her instead of himself and that thought upset Estella, he would do anything for her, and she would do absolutely anything for him, but she knew herself that he had to put himself first sometimes, like now as he slept.

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