March 21, 2014

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March 21, 2014

I am a Jamaican--no scratch that, I am a proud Jamaican. A lot of my non-Jamaican readers have been asking me a lot of questions about my country, and some of those questions got me like: 😖😣😆😩😑 DAFUQ!!???!!

So this is chapter is just to address some of the stereotypical thoughts about Jamaica and Jamaicans.

1) We do not all live in huts on the beach or tree-houses in the forest

I live in a 3 bedroom flat in the hood. I have friends that live in mansions with indoor swimming pools and all that chiz, and I have friends that live in tiny apartments in the middle of the city.

For real's not like an episode of Lost..

2) Smoking weed is not a way of life.

Weed is actually illegal here!! Babies don't smoke weed as a rite of passage and there are not weed forests everywhere you go. I've smoked it once though but only because I was 'experimenting'.

Weed smoking is a big deal though because one of the main religions here is Rastafarianism (which leads to my next point).

3) Dreadlocks? Hell nahh.

The dreadlocks are a symbol of a Rastafarian just like the turban is a symbol of a Muslim. And people who are not Rastafarians wear locks as a fashion just like non-Muslims wear turbans. Kk?

4) We aren't all black.

Jamaica is a mixture of many different races, just like America or anywhere else. But I gotta admit, when I see a white person with a Jamaican accent it does surprise the hell out of me.l, I immediately think they're the coolest thing in the world.


Anymore questions?? Feel free to ask me whatever you want to know about my country and if I get enough legit ones, I'll make another chapter like this one. Because some of these questions tho.. lol. They're just so hilarious...

Ask questions in comments or even dm

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~Jay Swizzy

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