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Follow me on Instagram y'all.. @ Daddy.Algee, my page be lit. But of course that's gonna happen, I'm lit🤷🏽‍♀️

Y'all know I ain't even proof read😂



I can't stand this girl and now I have to live with her. I shook my head as I sat down on the couch. "So, what y'all gone do?" Woody asked. "What do you mean? Ain't shit we can do but beat each other's ass everyday and live with it." I said shrugging. "YALL GONE GET ALONG, YOU HEAR ME!" Elijah said, well yelled pointing a finger at both of us.

I smacked my lips. "Maaaaaaan, what the fuck. Scoot the fuck over damn!" I said to Ava. "Boy, I'm not even close to you! Shut the fuck up! Go to the other fucking couch. I was here first, fuck face!" She said. The boys sighed. "Not tonight Jesus." Like said rubbing his temple.

"Look, I know y'all hate each other but y'all don't even know why. Grow up, Algee you 20 & Ava you 19. Act y'all damn ages. We ain't going no where until y'all learn how to act." Luke said. "And when I say we, I mean y'all cause I got a party to go to. Peace!" He said rushing out the door, and soon the boys followed after. I'm glad it was the weekend, which means no classes until Monday.

I shook my head, grabbing the remote. My whole damn mood was ruined. Guess I'll sit here and watch tv, or a movie or something. Good thing about this school was they provided Netflix for us, that's why our bills were so damn high. I flicked through and found something to watch. I heard a loud sigh as I looked over at Ava as she looked uninterested. I smiled at her just to be annoying.

She rolled her eyes and put her feet up under her

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She rolled her eyes and put her feet up under her. I focused my attention back on the movie. "Look, I know we can't stand each other but Luke was right. We are too old for this. And this has been going on for too long, so if we're going to be living together I think we should make the best of it." I sighed and paused the movie. "Cool"

"Seriously?" She said. "Yeah, we really too damn old to be going back and forth like kids" She breathed and nodded. "Okay, well if we're going to watch a movie.. Let's at least go get food right quick?" She asked. I nodded. "I drive" I said getting up going to get my keys, as she followed me out the door. "What you wanna eat?" I said as I backed out. "Roscoe's" She said. "Good choice"


Coming back with the food, she went to grab her a cover and turned up the AC. It was still summer, yes we are doing summer classes and it's hot as shit. She turned to the New Edition Story and I laughed. She smiled, looking at me. "What?" She said. "You like the movie huh?" She shrugged. "It was aiiiight." She said. We laughed. "Nah, it's actually good. I love it. Y'all did good" I smiled, looking at her. "Thank you"

It was on a commercial, then I looked up to her fast forwarding shit. "Aye, aye. What you doing?" I ask. "No offense to them, but I hate the littles part. They were cute, but I'm here for the bigs." I smirked. "You are huh?" She rolled her eyes. "Nope" She said as she skipped to the part where they were about to sing "Is This The End". I shake my head. This girl. "IS THISSSSSS, THE ENDDDDDDDDD. ARE YOU MY FRIENDDDDDDD!" She sung as she turned it up.

I sat there watching her and started to record her. The part where they transformed came on and she starting awwing, saying we were cute and shit. I sent the video to our group chat on instagram. "Look at this fool, y'all"

Woody_TheGreat: What can I say, the girls love us🤷🏽‍♂️

WolfJames: fuck y'all, I ain't come in, until the end of Part 2. 🙄

I laughed as I put my phone down and continued watching the movie. "Y'all was salty y'all had to go back to the hood." She said as she laughed. "Fuck you" I said laughing with her. We continued watching until the end of Part 2 came and here she was singing again. "ON A PERFECT DAYYYYY, I KNOW THAT I CAN COUNT ON YOUUUUU! OOOUUU!" She sang as I recorded her. All of this was going on InstaStory and I was getting hella dms from my fans asking crazy as questions like

DisAlgeePussy: who's that? 🙄 y'all dating? 🤔

I almost choked reading the name. Some of these fan pages be going overboard with the names. I showed Ava as she rolled her eyes. "Nah uh, don't be having ya lil groupies coming for me and my edges." She said as she tried to sing my part. I stopped her and sang the rest for her. "CAUSE I JEED SOMEBAWWDY WHO WILL STAND BY MEEEE, WHEN UTS TIME SHE WONT RUN. SHE WILL ALWAYSSSSSS, BE RIGHT THERE FOR MEEEEEEEEE." She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "You can't even sing." She said shrugging.

"You can't even lie" I said doing the same thing. She laughed. "Aight, I'll give it to you. You got some pipes on you." She said as she hatefully admitted.

After the movie was over, we just sat there chilling and talking. She actually wasn't even annoying. I really don't even know why I didn't like her. She not even ugly, either. I sat there staring, looking over her features. "Boy, you gone keep staring or be my photographer?" She said as she laughed. I mocked her laugh. "Ain't my fault, you got caught staring at me." She said shrugging. "Whatever." I said, curiously checking the weather.

Earlier it had said it was going to rain and I wanted to see what were the chances. "Damn, 80% chance" I said to myself. She looked over at me. "For what?" She said being mosey. "It's storming tonight, thunder and all." Her eyes widened as she thought I didn't notice. "Oh, okay" She said as she stuttered.

"Well, its late as shit, so I'm gonna go to my room." I said as I got up to go to my room. 10 minutes later it started raining and thundering loud making the house shake. I heard little feet run across the floor, as my door swung open and Ava flew into my bed. Her little ass is scared of thunder. Wow

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