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⬆️ READ THAT. Because if one more person comment saying "update" Ima lose it😂🙄 if y'all want an update, GIVE ME 95! It's that simple. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Y'all still know I don't proof read right? 😂 oh, okay.. Just making sure y'all knew💀

11k reads💕



I've been calling Algee all night. I said fuck it after awhile and got on Instagram, scrolling through my newsfeed. I went to my explore plate to see a picture of Algee and some girl. I hurriedly clicked on it as I seen that he was sleep in a bed with her in a silk robe laying on him. I threw my phone down as I started to breathe in and out slowly. Was he cheating on me?

"The shit is photoshopped, Ava" I kept saying to myself, over and over again. I got off the app before I went fucking crazy. Going over to Snapchat, I started watching people's Snapchat as I watched BallerAlert. They always had some damn tea. I seen a girl sucking dick. She looked up at the camera and I seen it was the girl from Instagram. She turned the camera around and it showed a man. You couldn't see his face, but I knew my man fucking hand when I seen it.

Tears began to come out as I quickly closed out of the app. "No, no." I said shaking my head as I went to my call log, pressing on Mya's contact. "Yeah baby pooh?" She said as I seen her face on the screen. "Mya he's cheating on me. I went out with a friend last night and Woody saw me with a guy and Algee found out and now he's cheating on me with some INSTAGRAM BITCH!" I said as I screamed into the camera. "Ava, first off. Calm down. You're rambling. Second off, who the fuck is the bitch cause I'll beat her ass." She said.

I closed my eyes as I breathed in and out a couple of times, calming myself down. I wiped my eyes, as I put her on pause to go screenshot the hoe. I sent it to her. Hearing her phone ding, all I was a "HELL NAH BITCH I KNOW YOU LYING! BABY! LUKEEEEE!" She yelled. He ran into the room. "THE BABY COMING!?" He asked. Mya smacked her lips. "Boy, no! Look at this!" She said as she put me on pause. "Awh fuck nah. What the fuck is this! Aye, she gone call you back Av!" He said as he hung up on me.



My phone rung as I answered. I had just charged it. It was fully dead. "Wassup?" I said to Luke. "I'm boutta beat yo ass boy!" He yelled at me. I smacked my lips. "Nigga what? What I do!?" As soon as I said that my started going crazy. "That's why" He said. I put him on speaker as I went to instagram to see videos and shit of me and my friend. "Yo, what the fuck! When the fuck did she do that!? Come on bruh, you know me. You can clearly see in the video if you looking closely that I was passed the fuck out. I was drunk last night! I just woke up not too long ago" I said to him. I couldn't believe this bitch.

"Yeah? You ain't hear Ava calling yo fucking phone!?" He yelled. "She called me? I ain't get no notification. My phone was dead bro, come on." I said. Fuck! "Ima call you back" I said as I hung up the phone pulling off and speeding home. I seen Luke's car in the grass as I jumped out the car heading inside. As soon as I got in the door, I got smacked in my face. Hard as fuck. I laughed as I went to rub the side of my face and I looked at Ava. She had a tear stained face and her eyes were blood shot red.

"Why would you even think I was cheating on you!?" She asked me. "Are you fucking serious!? First off, you wouldn't tell me who the fuck you was going out with and then Woody called me showing you out with some bum ass nigga! What the fuck you think I'm supposed to think!?" I said. "You got so mad thinking I was cheating you went to some bitch house?" She said as she slapped me again. Luke grabbed her as I closed my eyes. Jesus loves me. I love Jesus. I kept saying in my head.

"Yeah, I went over there. But I ain't do shit! Them videos and picture you seen was real but they weren't! She said I could sleep in her guest room and I guess when I was sleep she came in there to take a picture! The picture of her sucking my dick, I wasn't even conscious. Why you think I wasn't moving in the video? I got drunk as fuck last night. I know I texted you talking shit but come on now I ain't no dirty nigga." I said to her.

She stood there with her arms crossed. "Fuck you" She said as she went to her room and slammed her door. Fuck. I ran my hands down my face as I sighed. "Always gotta be the one to deal with y'all shit. Fucking fix it Jesus. Come on, Mya shit" Luke said. As Mya walked past me she mumbled under her breath, thinking nobody heard her. "Nasty ass fucker" She said. "Mya if you don't bring yo pregnant ass on!" Luke said.

I went to open her door and it was locked. "Open the damn door before I bust this bitch down" I said. I ain't finna play with her crybaby ass. She opened it seconds later, mugging me. She knew I wasn't playing with her ass. She went to sit on her bed as she crossed her arms again. "Baby come on, you know I wouldn't do no shit like that! I was just talking shit cause I seen you with some nigga! I told you what the fuck happened. Nobody gotta lie to yo ass! You still ain't trynna tell me who the fuck you was out with" I said. She sighed. "An old friend Algee. He was just an old friend." She said. "I don't give a fuck if he was an old music teacher! You got me fucked up. You know what? I'm not even mad. I love you, I'll be in my room." I said as I walked out going to my room.

Roomies | Algee SmithWhere stories live. Discover now