Chapter 2

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"Holy shiiiiiii... ugar. Sugar. Holy sugar that is cold" I said as the woman put the gel on my lower stomach to start the ultrasound. She only chuckled. 

"Sorry, I should've warned you first." She moved the 'wand' around on my stomach, staring at the screen. Luke was sat on my left, methodically rubbing circles into my hand with his thumb. I'm fairly sure he was more nervous about this appointment than I was. I got lost, looking at the details of his face- how his jaw was set, his eyes flickered around the room nervously... How he only met my gaze for a half a second...

"Congratulations- you guys are going to be parents!" The woman interrupted my train of thought. She began pointing out where the baby was.

"Ooooh... I see....." I said, Luke remained silent, though he had a huge grin on his face now

"You can't see it can you?" The woman asked, knowingly 

"Nope, not at all" I replied honestly. She laughed again. 

"That's very typical for new mothers. Especially when they're young." So she pointed it out again, slowly. I could kinda see it, but it still just looked like a blob. 

She wiped the gel off my stomach and left the room to "give my young man and I some time to talk things over" as she'd put it. Luke pulled me in for one of the longest hugs he'd given me, and he kissed me on the lips and then he put his face in the crook of my neck. I started crying at some point. Happy tears though, they were totally happy. Luke picked his head up eventually and wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"Why are you crying baby?" 

"I don't know! I'm just- I'm so happy we're going to have our own little family." I blubbered, I didn't tell him just how scared I was, he knew though, he knew because we thought the same things and felt the same way. 

Back home, when we walked through the door Gina called us into the kitchen where she was cooking lasagna for lunch. She looked at us expectantly.

"Soooo?" She prompted

"Do you want to go by grandma, or something else?" I grinned, and enveloped me in a huge hug.

"Oh, Roxanna! I am so happy for you!" She said genuinely, then went over to Luke, hugging him and then putting her hands on either side of his face. "My baby's going to have a baby!" She said slightly in disbelief. 

Given that I was closest to Jai (after Luke and Gina of course), and he was artsy, I wanted to come up  with some semi creative way to tell him that he was going to be an uncle. I found a can of alphebet soup in the cabinet and created a fake spill and then spelled out "you're going to be an uncle" with letters. I called Jai in to "help me clean up" 

When he first walked in he chuckled at my "clumsiness" and had muttered "Typical Roxy..." but realized something was up when I didn't have anything to clean the mess up. He looked at the mess then at me, he looked back and forth several times. I just stood there grinning. 

"Are you serious?" I nodded. "Ah, Roxy that's great!"He hugged me gently, as if I might break. He bro hugged with Luke and congratulated him as well. 

Beau came home from work a few hours later and we just flat out told him. His response? He threw me over his shoulder and ran around the house screaming he was gonna be an uncle. Meanwhile I was screaming at Beau to put me down and that if he dropped me I'd chop his balls off so he couldn't have kids. He just ignored me and continued to run around screaming. When he made it back out to the deck where the rest of the family was relaxing he gently tossed me to Luke, who caught me and set me on my feet. At which point I sat on the ground and put my head between my knees. Talk about light headed and nauseaous! 

"Thaaaanks Beau," I said sarcastically "If this triggers morning sickness," I obviously knew it wouldn't trigger it "I'm making you deal with me. Not Luke." 

"Aww.... Roxy.." I shot him a look. He KNEW Jai (and sometimes Luke) was the only one allowed to call me that "You know I have a weak stomach! I'll puke if you puke!" 

"I know. That's my point. Don't do it." He pouted and called me a kill-joy. Gina threw her head back and laughed

"You'll make a fine mother! We'll just have you babysit Beau and you'll have all the practice you need." She winked at me 

"Moooom. I'm almost 20! I don't need a babysitter!" Gina just rolled her eyes

"My boys... what am I going to do with them."

And, as if it just occured to Jai (which was totally possible, he could be a bit, er, dopey, sometiems) he goes "Wait. If you're pregnant... that means you two had to.. GUYS YOU BETTER NOT HAVE ON ANYWHERE WE ALL SIT." 

My face burned. I kind of just wish it would have burned me into oblivion. I was absolutely mortified that Jai had brought up mine and Luke's sex life in front of everyone. It didn't seem to bother Luke one bit. 

"Of course we had sex, dickhead," (a favorite term of his) "Did you not take health class?!"

"But what about whe-" 

"Yes Jai. Because that happened on your bed." I said, trying to not look as embarrassed as I felt. He gave me a disgusted look. 

"I was JOKING. Relax."

"Jesus, you guys don't need to tag team me..." 

"Don't get all butthurt over it. Man up." Luke half teased.

Oh my crazy family... This child has no idea what he/she's in for... 

A/N Hey guys! I know. I suck a lot. It's been like, over a year. And it's really short.... I'm really really sorry. Love everyone who's read this though! Thank you all so much, and hopefully I'll be able to update again soon with something better and longer. Love you all ~K <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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