Our Journey (Luke Brooks love story)

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I sat on the couch laughing with Luke, Jai, and Casey. It was no surprise that we were laughing at something Beau did, it happened a lot. It took a good five minutes for us to calm down and when we finally did, I realized something. I counted. Then I counted again.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Luke questioned

"Nothing." I faked a smile, I basically never lie to Luke, but I dunno it was just one of those things where I'd rather avoid the question. "Casey wanna come to the store, I wanna get some snacks." That made my second (sort of) lie today already...

"Can we come?" Jai asked innocently

"No," It came out sharper than I intended "I mean, um, I'm not planning on getting much. So Casey and I should be able to carry everything by ourselves." I flashed another fake smile. Jai shrugged and then the three brothers started playing some x-box game.

I took Casey by the arm and practically dragged her out of the house.

"Jeez Roxanna! What's the rush?!?!" Casey asked as soon as we were out the door. I explained to her on the way there why I was actually going to the store.

Of course we also got a crap load of junk food too. We left the store each carrying a bag, and made our way back. Casey made light conversation on the way back, it made me feel almost normal. Wait what am I saying?!?! I don't even know if anything's even wrong, yet. Casey and I walked back in the house only to find Luke on top of Beau and Jai trying to pry them off each other. I set the bag down and faked an angry tone.

"I go leave for ten minutes and come back to find my boyfriend cheating on me. And with his own brother no less!!" I faked crying but ended up laughing, along with Casey and the boys. But I sobered up quicker than anyone else, remembering the bags from the store and what was in one of them. Jai noticed and gave me a weird look, and  was going to ask a question, but I gave a quick shake of my head to tell him 'don't ask'. I picked up the bags and brought them in the kitchen, set them on the counter, grabbed what I needed and made my way to the bathroom.

I followed the intstructions and then I paced. I could faintly hear Jai asking Casey why I was acting weird. I couldn't make out exactly what she said but I got that she wasn't telling him. I smiled, happy that I had such a good friend. I looked at the clock on my phone, took a deep breath and picked up the pregnancy test and then dropped it like it had burned me.

"LUKE!!" I screamed, my voice breaking at the end. I heard a knock on the door.

"Roxy," I knew it was Jai, he was the only one that ever called me Roxy "It's Jai, what's wrong."

The only thing I could manage to get out was "Go get Luke... please." I whispered it, I was surprised when he walked off, I didn't think he could hear me. I sank to my knees and started crying, I couldn't help it.

It seemed like an enternity later, but it was probably less than a minute when Luke barged in, not bothering to knock. He sat on his knees in front of me and pulled me into a hug.

"What's wrong?" He whispered, causing me to sob even harder. He rubbed my back and calmed down a bit. "Luke... I-" I took a deep breath "I'm pregnant" His mouth dropped and he pulled his face back to look at me, I still had tears streaming down my face.

"Please tell me your joking." He whispered. I shook my head, flinging tears everywhere. "I wish I was," I paused "Luke, please don't leave me" I sobbed even harder again, closing my eyes in an attempt to control the tears. I felt Luke get up, I thought this meant this was the last time I was going to see him. But I was surprised when he picked me up.

He looked a little misty eyed himself, but he wiped some of the tears off my face. "Hey, we're gonna get through this together, ok? Leaving you would be a douche move, I'm not gonna do that, I promise." I giggle a little "What?" He asked smiling a bit. 

"You said 'douche'" I laughed even harder. He set me on my feet and feigned a look of hurt. "Out of that meaningful speech you laugh at the word 'douche'" He laughed too. "I'm serious though. We will get through this together." He took my hand as we walked out to face the world, and that was the first true moment when I realized Luke was 'the one'.

A/N Hey, so this is my new fanfic, I hope you guys like it! I recently 'discovered' The Janoskians and I think they're so funny! But um anyway, obviously I'm basically in love with Luke so yeah, I hope  you guys are gonna like this! Comment, vote, rate, whatever. Love y'all <3 :) ~K

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