Ch 1- Is This The End?

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Updated 1/24/23 5am

High pitched ringing. Thats all i could hear as I came to. A painful sound rattling my ears to my brain. Slowly, I opened my eyes, willing the ringing to stop. But as the ringing dulled slightly, it gave way to searing pain throughout my body. I let out a groan. Every part of my body ached and burned. What happened? Why does everything hurt? My vision was hazy as I stared upwards, not fully seeing but just staring blankly. I forced myself to blink a few times before taking in my position. I was laying on the floor. A hard tile floor. Get up. I need to get up. Another groan escaped my lips as I struggled to turn to my side and force myself sitting. My eyes slammed shut as a wave of nausea hit me. Oh God, what happened to me?

After a moment, the nausea subsided and I forced my eyes to open and take in my surroundings. I needed to find out where I was. I cant remember anything before now. Why? By the looks of the area in front of me, I was in was definitely in an office building by the looks of the cubicles but they were ruined. It looked like hulk himself came raging through them. My vision went hazy and the ringing in my ear picked up. I shut my eyes and shook my head trying to clear it all. After a moment, the ringing subsided again and sound replaced it. Awful sounds. My eyes shot open and I twisted my head round to look behind me. What I found filled me with cold dread.

A gaping hole stretched across half the room just behind me and the ceiling above me lay in shambles, creating a window to the blazing red sky and horrific scene below. There was fire everywhere. Buildings, trees, cars, and even people were burning in orange and red flames. Screaming, explosions and gunfire echoed from the streets below as people ran in masses in every which direction to escape it all. Jets roared through the sky overhead leaving trails of black smoke. This wss not a dream. This was not a movie. This is hell on earth.

Fear and panic shot through my veins like lightning. I had to get out of here. I had to escape. I snapped my head back around and tried to to get up as quickly as possible but my legs gave out out on me as my feet slid through something wet. My hands hit the ground first, landing in the same puddle that I slipped in. It was warm and thick and something inside me begged me not to look down. I told myself it was just water. I hoped it was just water. But I had a feeling it wasn't.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I looked down. The crimson liquid reflected my face back to me with a wicked shine. I knew immediately what it was but my brain wished me not to think of it. My breath caught in my throat as the metallic smell hit my nose. A wave of pure nausea crashed into me and I took everything in me not to hurl into my crimson reflection. My eyes, despite my brain begging me not to, followed the flow of the liquid to where it originated.

The body of a man lay directly to my left, riddled with what was definitely bullet holes. His head was completely irradiated. The matter of his brain lay exposed on the floor beside him. I was sitting in a puddle of his blood. With a scream, I scramble away from the man's body. My eyes were fixated on his mangled frame, my own body shaking below me. Who he was no longer a question able to be answered. I dared not to look down as I knew I was coated in his blood. My breathing quickened into panic as I forced myself to tear my gaze away. But the scene around me was far worse. I had only taken in a small portion of this office when I had nmcome to but now as I look around in horror, I wished I had stayed out cold.

Bodies lay strewn about all around me, some quite similar to the man beside me. A massacre had occurred here. All of them, dead. But I was alive? How? I need to get out of here now. My breathing was ragged and uneven and before I could attempt to stand again, a explosion goes from lower in the building. The structure begins to shudder, pieces of the ceiling and floor caving and falling to the street six floors below. Adrenaline shot through my body as I tried to make for the exit door across the room as another explosion sounds from below. The buildings structure shakes violently and gives way more. My body lurches as the tiled floor below me starts to crumble away. I let loose a blood curdling scream and tried to drag my body away from the caving floor but to no avail. I scream again as I feel my body go into freefall, my hands reaching for anything to grab hold of.

Dreams Of The End. (Leon Kennedy X Reader)(ON HAITUS)(UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now