Ch 3- strangers.

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Updated 1/25/23 1:12am

Fear. Thats all I could feel other than the hands around me. I don't know who is holding me, I can't scream for help. My heart is racing, I'm panicking again. Fear. 

Leon! Where is Leon! Help! Leon!

I try to pry my attackers' arms off me, kicking and flailing but I only ended up dropping my gun in the process. I feel the person flinch against me at the sound of the gun clattering to the floor. Their arms loosen around me, and I take the chance to reach up and pry the person's hand off my mouth. I begin to call out for Leon when they hiss in my ear.

"(Y/n)! Calm down. Stay quiet." Leon's soothing voice was in my ear. It was him holding me, not some stranger. I could feel his breath on my cheek as he whispers sternly in my ear. "You didn't wake me."

He pulls us into a small closet under the stairs and releases me as soon as the door is closed. The closest is terribly small as our bodies are pressed together. My back was against his chest with both his arms on either side of me, his palms on the walls. I could feel the muscle of his arms under his shirt. I could feel the strength concealed there when he moved even slightly adjust himself. His breath was fanning my cheek and ear, tickling me in more ways than one. His scent filled my nose. That of the sharp tang of alcohol and the sweet aroma of a foresty shower gell. Holy shit. This was both hot and awkward and weird to be thinking in this situation. Stop it (y/n).

Seconds later, I hear the back door being broken through with force. The loud slam caused me to jump. Leon tensed behind me, his breath hitching. Through the slits in the door, I could the light of flashlights dancing around the room in search of us. My breath caughtin my throat, panic beginning to rise again. Leon must have felt my heart racing because he wraps his arms around my me. I released a shaky breath and tried to relax as hushed voices and lights drew nearer.

"I swear I saw people go in here. And you saw that girl in the window." A male voice hisses, hushed and frustrated

"I know I did, but I told you, it could just be my eyes playing tricks on me. My imagination. I'm tired. Now quiet down. There could be infected in here." A second voice retorts, this one female. The man grunts in response, and their footsteps continue to search the house. 

"Hey, over here. I found a gun." The girl calls to her partner. His footsteps grew closer to the closet as he approached her. I could make out their figures in the dark through the slits on the door. The girl had long hair pulled back into a ponytail with a bright red leather jacket on. The male was wearing what looked like a police uniform. I could just make out the outline of his bulletproof vest in the dim light. He had to be military.

After a few more moments of them searching downstairs, both of the strangers headed upstairs. I could hear their heavy boots over my head. I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding and sighed in relief.  We definitely weren't in the clear but it was safe for now. Leon released his tight hold on me and shifted our positions so that he was in front of the closet door and I was in the back. It was quite a tight squeeze but he was careful to avoid touching my thigh. His breath fanned my face as he passed and his scent filled my nose again.

"Stay here. I'm going to go check it out and say hello to our house guests." Leon whispered, his back now to me and his hand reaching for the knob. Without thinking and full of panic, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back towards me.

"No! Don't leave me here alone. Not with some strangers in here! And what if they have guns and shoot you?" I pleaded with him, my voice wavering. Even in the dark closet, I could tell he was hesitating. Torn between going after the pair and leaving me here or staying here with me till they passed. But I knew what he was going to do. He's probably FBI after all.

"I will be right back. Stay here." He replies, putting a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it once, before turning to the door. Once the door shut behind him, I felt so alone. Scared. Tears broke their dam and started their slow tracks down my cheeks. I hated being alone.

I feared it.

Leon's POV:

I stepped out of the closet and shut the door quietly behind me. I could tell she was afraid. I could tell by the shake in her voice. I wanted to hug her to me, make her feel safer. Reassure her. I knew she'd be safe in there for now, I just needed to find out if these people were good. If they were, they could join us and I could get them all out of here. If they weren't, I would need to get rid of them. I have to protect her. Even though it's really only been a day, I cant help but feel protective of her. Drawn to her. Her (e/c) eyes bore into my soul.

I let loose a breath and drew my gun from my side holster. With caution, I creep my way up the stairs. Once I've hit high enough on the stairs to see over the top one, I stop and check to make sure the hall is clear before continuing up the steps. Avoiding a large wet spot on the ground from the roof leaking water, I check each room as I walk down the hall. No sign of the pair in the first two bedrooms. When I reached the third door at the end of that hall, I could hear voices inside.

"See! I told you there was no one here! Now can we leave?" the female voice barked, sounding extremelyirritated. The male huffed a response I couldn't catch, their footsteps approach the door. I ready my gun and kick the door open, aiming at them.

"Freeze!" I shout at them. Immediately, their guns went up to aim at me—two against one. We stood there a moment, aiming at each other, staring each other down.

"Lower your weapons. I'd rather not start a gunfight." My words made them hesitate as they glanced at one another before they lowered their guns. 


Dreams Of The End. (Leon Kennedy X Reader)(ON HAITUS)(UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now