Where Is She?!?!

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"Ok, so, we know who took her, now we just need to know where the heck she is!" I say to my mom. "Well shes probably somewhere in the '80's" My mom says because of how ol the paper is. "Haha" I say with a smile and a soft giggle.

"Ok, lets get serious, we only have less than 24 hours" I say whipping the smiling off my face and looking back at the note."Well, actually I think I remember where Stephanie lives!" My mom says going to her address book, and flipping to the "S" page. She found Stephanie's part of the page, and it just says her name and number, the adress looks like it has been erased!

It wasn't too erased, so we tried to see what my mom wrote, because she wrote kinda hard on the paper, so we could kinda see the erased address.

I look closer at the page and I can only unlock the address number it says "1472"."Hey I got the numbers, it's 1472!" I say looking at the book then my mom. " Great, now we just need to know the street and the city" My mom says looking at the page then me in a happy mood.I can just barely see the letters to the street and the city, I can only see some vowels in the city name, and a few continents in the street.

I got it! IT'S!!!

....... TO BE CONTINUED!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2012 ⏰

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