Chapter 1

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🌛I can see,U can hear🌜

Beam's POV

"Come on! Stop following me around.
Please leave me alone" i said impatiently to a girl who was following me around all this morning.
She step in front of me and look like she was trying to say something but
I cannot hear her voice.
" Hey! I am sorry. I can't hear u. What do u want from me? " I ask and she look confuse.
She keep trying to say something again and I still cannot hear her.
"Wait!!! sis why are u crying?I have class and I am late now. Can u stop following me? U are giving me headache" I said and leave
her behind.
Thz god, she stop following me. Ok wait!! Stop thinking that I am a bad guy. I am not ingnoring her and I am definitely not a playboy or something. On top of that she is not even a human.Let me explain. I am a medical student but I am different from other. Believe me or not, I can see ghost since I was young but I can not hear their voice.
Since I can't hear their voice (Ghost's voice ) It's hard for me to deal with them.I can't understand what they want from me or what they want me to do. Most people think I am crazy.
It's not their fault because I am the
strange one here.
"Thz god,professor is not here yet" I said to myself and sit between Kit and Pha . Kit and Pha they are my bestfriend.
"Ai' Beam, Why are you late today?"
Kit ask me with a evil smile.
"Stop asking me that question, Ai' Kit.
U already know the reason" I answer.
"Humm....I see. They are still following u " Pha giggle and " So are they here " Pha asked me with a smirk.
I look around the class and I don't see one but Kit look worry so "Yes, there
is. Standing behind you, Kit " I said
with worry face.
" What!!! really oh god, Beam please tell her to go away. Plz.Plz." Kit beg me with tears.
I can't help but Iaugh at Kit.
" Ai' Beam, don't joke like that. I almost got heart attack " Kit said and hit me with his pen.
"Stop laughing. Professor is here" Pha
We both stop laughing and open our books. Professor start teaching.

Forth's POV

"Shit! Where is my earphone???" I ask myself in confuse and searching here and there.I can't find my earphone anywhere.
"What am I support to do now?? I really need them" I blame myself and sit on the sofa. I always plug an earphone in my ears to escape from
those voices (ghost's voice). Unfortunately , I lost my earphone today. " Today is going to be a bad day for sure" I shake my head and look at the clock.
"Shit!!! I am late" I shout and grab my backpack. I head to engineering departments with my motor bike.
As soon as I arrive at my department
I saw Ming, he was waving at me.
Ming come toward me and ask
"P' Forth, What are u doing here? "
Ming is my cousin brother and we are in same department but he was my junior.
"Why do u ask? I came here to attend
class" I answer in confuse.
"Oiii, Ai' Forth, how can u be this clumsy. We don't have class in the morning today "Ming said and laugh
at me.
I thought for a while " Ahhh!! U are
right. Today all the professors from our department have a meeting to attend" I said and look at Ming.
Ming grin and ask " Sooo...What are
u going to do now?"
" I don't know. I am free now" I answer. Ming quickly pull my arm and ask " P' Forth, Can u take me to the medical department.Please.Please."and he make a puppy eye to accept his request.
"Let go of me. I will take u there but
u have buy me lunch" I said and rise my eyebrows.
Ming nod his head quickly.
" Here... wear this helmet and hold on tight" I give my spare helmet to Ming.
Ming get on my motor bike and we head to medical department.
" Why do u want to go to the medical department? " I ask and look at Ming from my bike mirror.
I saw Ming smile shyly and looked down to the ground.
" I just have something to do" Ming answer.
"Awww..Come on... U go there to meet
Kit, right " I ask again. This time his
face turn " P' Forth, stop talking.
U are driving now. U need to concentrate on the road." he said and
bite his lips. I laugh at him.
"Ok. We are here. Don't forget to buy me lunch " I smirk amd pat Ming's back.
" Khxbkhum mãk, P' Forth. I will buy u lunch tomorrow. By....." before Ming finish his words, I stop him and point
at a guy who was talking alone with a tree.
" Isn't he a friend of Kit" I ask to Ming.
Ming look at where I point and said
" Ahhh! It's P'Beam. He is alittle strange. He didn't talk much. He just talk and hang out with P'Pha and P'Kit. He hardly ever talk to me. Wait!!? Is he talking to a tree" Ming look carefully at Beam.
" Why do u ask? Are u interest in P'Beam" Ming ask me with an evil smile.
"No way. I just want to know " I answer quickly.
" I am going now P'. See u.Bye Bye."
Ming wai at me and run as fast as he can to meet his Kit Kat. Now I am all alone at medical department. I keep looking at Beam. He is acting really strange. He look confuse and telling someone to go away. I want to know who he is talking to so I sneak near the tree and hide myself behind the tree. Then,I was really shock. I heard a girl voice. I look around but nobody was there expect Beam.
"Please help me P'. U are the only one who can see me. I just want to tell my mom that I am sorry " said the girl.
I can hear clearly but Beam look
like he can't understand. I keep listening to them.
Beam look like he was really confuse.
"Hey! I can't hear u. What do u want from me? " Beam ask to the girl.
"P', Please help me. I beg u. I really need your help" cry the girl.
Beam look more confue now.
"Wait!!! sis why are u crying?I have class and I am late now. Can u stop following me? U are giving me headache" he said and he ran to his class.
"I will not give up. I will tag along with until u help me" shout the girl
but Beam dosen't seem to hear her.
Then the voice disappeared. I keep listening but I can't hear that girl voice anymore. I laid my back at the tree and I am the only one who left in
confuse now. Hummm....He is interesting. Can he really see her?
I mean the ghost. But why did he keep on saying that he can't hear her. Maybe he can only see but he can't hear the voices of the ghosts.That was weird. I though I am the only one who is strange since I can hear the voices of ghosts but I can't see them.I want to know more about him now.This afternoon I will ask Ming to help me to get close to Beam. Wait for me Beam. I will come to u. I keep on thinking and thinking until I fall asleep under the tree.

Hello my friends. This is my first story . I know there are alot of mistakes in my story, like grammar mistakes. I am not good at English that much but I will try my best for you.
Thz q for reading the first chapter.^-^

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