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2moon's fate
Chapter2 (part 1)

"I love u"

Beam's POV
It's been a while I don't see any ghosts and I am enjoying my life.
Forth seem to be busy with his lessons, he can't even come to our department twice a week. To be honest, I want to see him and spent my times with him. I admitted that I miss him.
Today is the different day after the long lectures I was sitting at the cafeteria with Pha and Kit. We are all tired today. Kit didn't look very well. Maybe he is sick.
"Ai' Kitty... Are u ok? U look tired " I asked and touch Kit's forehead with my hand.

" hot...Kitty...U should go home and rest" I advise Kit to go home. He was in high fever.

" It just a headaches and I am fine " Kit said and message his temples.

"U are not fine.. I can even fry egg on your forehead. Pha.. say smth to Kit..." I asked Pha to back me up. Pha was wating for the call from Yo and he didn't hear what I said.

"Earth to Pha... Kitty is dying " I shouted into Pha's ear.

" ear " pha said and rub his ear quickly " Why did u shout into my ear,Beam" he continue.

" Kitty is sick and we need to take him to his apartment " I said and place Pha's hand on Kit's forehead.

"Wtf... it fraking hand is burning " Pha shouted "Kit, u are going home" he continue.

" I said I am Fine.. we still have 2 more lectures time.. " Kit said and stand up ftom the chair. As soon as he get up, he lost control because he was out off energy.

When he was about to fall down someone caught him. Of course.. it was his sweetheart Ming. Ammm....they are not dating yet. Ming is still following Kit and trying his best to make Kit love him back.
Ahhh...Kitty why so selfish I know u love Ming too.

Ok..back to point.

"P'Kit, Are u ok?" Ming asked why holding Kit's shoulder.

"I am fine...Leave me al... " Kit said and shove Ming's hand away.

"No..he is not fine.. he is sick. Me and Pha were telling him to go back but he is being  selfish here" I said before Kit finish his words.

Ming look at Kit and touch Kit's forehead with his forehead.

"P'..u are sick..u need to rest..let's go back..I will drive u back to yr apartment " Ming said and took Kit's bag.

" I am not going back.. The exam is drawing near and I need to study " Kit shouted and take his bag back from Ming.

Ming sigh and shooked his head.
"P'.. Don't be so selfish.. P'Beam n P'Pha will take note from the lectures..Right P'.." Ming said and winked at me and Pha.

"Ming is right.. Beam and I will take note for u.. please go hime now.. Kit" Pha said and he was trying his best to make Kit go home.

" I already said that I am fine.. why so serious here" Kit shout again.

"P'...Will u go back home or.... I will.." Ming said step closer to Kit. The distance between them is only few inches away.

Kit looked shocked and said
" What?..what will u do if I don't go home."

Ming smile and lift Kit into the air and he was holding Kit in bridal style.
Both me and Pha eyes go wide and we were too shocked to say a word.
All the people in cafeteria were looking at them.

Kit's was shocked and said" Put me down now..It's so embracing". He cover his face with both of his hands.

" No..I am carrying u like this and taking u home..this is your punishment for not listening to me." Ming said and smirk.

" What?! Don't joke around.. put me down now " Kit said and struggle.

" P',Don't struggle..Otherwise U will fell down from my hands na" Ming said and pretend like Kit was falling down from his hands.

Kit looked scare and close his eyes. He even hug Ming tightly.
"P'Beam and P'Pha...I am taking P'Kit home.

See u later.. bye " with that Ming left while carrying Kit in his hands. Kit hid his face Ming's chest because he was too shy to face the people.

Suddenly I saw a girl following Ming from behind. I can surely say that she was not a human. Something weird is going to happen. Maybe I need to call Forth for help.

Why is that ghost following Ming?What did she want? What is her missing piece?

I press Forth's number and not so long I heard Forth voice from the other side of the phone.

" Hello.." Forth answer my phone.

"Amm... Forth it me..Beam"

"Yeah..I know..need anything" Forth ask.

"Yes..I need your help..Can u meet me at the cafeteria after your class" I request Forth.

" I will " Forth said and " can't wait to see u" he add.

I giggled and said " Bye.. see u later.I will hang up now "

"Bye" Forth said and I hang up the phone.

This is the end of chapter 2(part 1).
This chapter will be including MingKitcouple moment 😝😝😝
Hope u enjoy it😁😁. I will be back as soon as I can😢😢. And I am sry for taking too long to upload😥😥. I am sry for my grammar mistakes and every mistakes in the story😣😣. Ahh😡😡..stop calling my name.. I am coming😒😒. my assignments are calling me back.. Lol..😰😰😰
See ya later.. love u very much.❤❤ Thank you for always supping me 😘😘😘

❤❤ Thank you for always supping me 😘😘😘

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^.^ this is my poster for postrer session for my class. I choose LGBT topic. I support LGBT and I will try my best to be the best presentor in coming presentation .Wish me luck 😘😘

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