Chapter 1

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(In this story, the ink machine is already installed, and Joey is beginning to go downhill, hence fear from his workers. There are still quite a few left, including the main 10 (no Allison yet) from the game. The only difference is that Henry hasn't left, yet.)

Your (e/c) orbs fluttered open as the sunlight streamed into the bedroom window, and a groan escaped you.

"Five more minutes mom..." You muttered; to no one in particular, pulling the covers over your head. Not a second later after you did that, the alarm clock went off, screaming its annoying sounds. The inferior noise caused you to sit up quickly, eyes wide open.

"I'm up!!" You shouted, before your features transformed into that of a tired and upset expression. The 23-year old woman slammed her hand on the snooze button of the clock, and began getting out of bed. Tossing the covers off, you begrudgingly stepped away from your oh so comfortable mattress, and made your way to the closet, where you had to change into something presentable for your new job. Tossing your closet doors open, you scanned your articles of clothing. Soon you decided on a (f/c) blouse, with puffed shoulders and long sleeves, as well as a short black leather skirt, that stopped mid thigh, and (f/c) high heels, over black tights. You styled your (h/l) hair into something fashionable, which happened to be just little ringlet curls at the ends of your (h/c) hair.

"Alright, now I'm ready for work." You smiled, before grabbing your bag, your keys, and heading out of your house. You didn't bother getting breakfast, you'd pick up a coffee and a muffin on the way to the studio. You sighed, remembering the words your new boss told you only weeks before when you got the job..

Two weeks earlier..

"Alright Miss (L/n), I hope you understand the terms of you getting this job?" Joey Drew said, not looking up as he continued to fill out papers for you. You nodded, repeating what your new boss had explained to you.

"If I don't meet deadlines my pay goes down, I'm only allowed to be late five times before I'm fired, hard work is good work, do not disturb you on Fridays, and impress you." Joey looked up at you, a small smile on his face, as he wrung his hands together and rested his chin on them.

"Good, good. From your portfolio, you have quite a talent I see. I'm sure you'll be the best out of all of the animators." You smiled, your grip on your skirt tightening in excitement.

"Thank you so much sir. I studied and graduated from the University of Arts and Animations sir, the best out there! Ah- sir.." You smiled cheesily, your cheeks heating up slightly when you almost forgot to say sir. You'd heard rumors about Joey's bad temper, and being new, you really didn't want to get on his bad side already. Joey Drew smiled in satisfaction, and after scribbling a few more things, he handed a few papers back to you and put the rest into his desk.

"Welcome to Joey Drew Animation Studios, Miss (L/n)."


You sighed, holding your food in your hands as you walked out of the small cafè where you had picked your food up from. Even though the instructions seemed simple, the way Joey had told you to stay away from his office on Fridays seemed more like.. A threat, rather than a statement. Shaking your head of the thought, you continued on your way.

Stepping into the animation studio, you immediately noticed how almost empty it was. There were a few people here and there, but no one else really. This confused you slightly, until a lady who seemed around your age; if not a little older, bounded up to you.

"Hiya! You must be that newbie that Joey and Henry were talking about! I'm Suzie Campbell, voice actor for Alice Angel! You're early today, which is surprising, because newbies are usually late on their first days!" Suzie just kept rambling on and on, but you were relieved to know that you weren't late. After learning from the woman that there was gonna be a meeting to introduce you to the rest of the workers, she skipped off. When she was gone, you sighed, slightly glad to be away from her. Walking around the studio, you eventually found your office, which Joey had showed you the day you were hired. It was at the end of a hallway, just a little away from the other rooms. You were glad for this, as you worked better in a quiet environment. Shutting the door behind you, you prepared to settle in your things. Books and sketch pads on the desk, along with cups of pencils, pens, and one or two bottles of ink. On a small table near the wall, a radio was set up, and a flowerpot on the windowsill. You smiled, looking at how less dreary your office looked now, until a knocking was heard on your door. Turning and going over to open it, you saw Suzie, once again, and she was smiling.

"Nice office! It's time for the meeting, Mr. Drew asked me to retrieve you. Come on, this way!" Suzie smiled, though a hint of fear was evident in her form. Only goes to show how scared the others were of their boss. Briskly walking down the hallway, the noise that could be heard happened to be the clacking of your and Suzie's heels on the wooden floor. You took this time to once again marvel at the workshop, the photos and posters on the wall. Pictures of Bendy, the Dancing demon, up on the wall. Along with one of his pals, Boris the Wolf. You knew Alice's posters were on the lower floor. Finally reaching the meeting room, Suzie opened the door, holding it open long enough for both you and her to pass through. It seemed Joey wasn't in the room yet, allowing the two of you to quickly sit down in a seat. Suzie got next to Henry, and you got next to..

"Hey, who went and gave ya the right to sit next to me?" Sammy Lawrence stared at you and growled. You jumped back a little, but quickly regained your composure.

"S'cuse me, I didn't know, I just sat at the first place I saw, and I just happened to sit next to you. I'm sorry sir." You spoke, a little softly, scared of the man's glare. Sammy huffed and shook his head, turning away and muttering something about "stupid newcomers" and "ruining things", but you couldn't really hear anything else. Sighing and turning back to the front of the room, you noticed Joey walking in.

"Alright everyone, today we have a new worker! Meet Miss (Y/n) (l/n), a new animator to the team. Please stand (Y/n)." At the sound of your name, you quickly stood, slightly startled.

"I-it's a pleasure meeting all of you! I hope we can all work together and get along!" You squeaked, before bowing, your hair framing your face slightly. There was a chorus of "Hello (Y/n)'s" and one or two "hey's" and you swore someone said "wassup". Standing straight once again, you sat back down, and the meeting continued.

Your first day on the job was going well so far. Everyone was really friendly to you, save for a certain music director. Sammy Lawrence just plain creeped you out. You did manage to become friends with two people though. Suzie, and Henry. During the day they stopped by your office every once in a while, either checking to see how you were doing or showing you their work. You always gave positive feedback, and honestly enjoyed their presence. When the day ended, you gathered up your papers, put them in your bag, and walked to the door with the voice actor and animator. Smiling and talking as you went, the three of you parted in different directions, Suzie and Henry to their cars, and you on foot. It was twilight out, and you walked at a brisk pace, not risking being out here when it got dark. Lucky for you, you only lived a 20 minute walk from the animation studio and your house. Your neighborhood was a nice one small quiet. Everyone knew everyone, even the people who rarely stepped outside of their houses. Some of your neighbors were suspectable sometimes, but other than that, it was a friendly neighborhood. Your old neighbors that lived next to your house greeted you as you walked up to your door fumbling with your keys to unlock the door. You waved back at them before stepping inside, closing and locking the door. Kicking off your shoes and heading upstairs for a well deserved shower, you smiled. You liked your new job, and you knew everything was going to be great from here on out.

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