Seven minutes in Anxiety

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Ymir had collected an item from everyone in the fedora. She'd ended up at (Y/N).

"Pop something in the hat kiddo" she held out the hat.

(Y/N) looked around, and pulled off her silver ring from her hand, dropping it into the hat. Ymir stood back up on the table and mixed everything around. She hopped down and started at Armin. Armin proceeded to picking.  (Y/N) hadn't been prepared for what was happening. She knew how this game worked, yet she never expected herself to be playing it. She pushed herself into Bertholdt. He noticed this, and wrapped his arms around her.

"hey. it's alright. Who knows, you most likely won't be picked" he tried to comfort her.

She looked up slightly confused.

"There's at least 20 or more people here. You should on on the safe side. 1/20 is a pretty significant difference.."
"Yeah..yeah you're right. Ill be alright"

Ymir had set a timer which had already reached 5 minutes. (Y/N) had no clue who Armin had picked. She sighed and leaned against Bertholdt, like the night at the café. One hand against his chest, one of his arms around her hip. She closed her eyes for a while, taking a slight nap. She was woken up to numerous faced staring at her. She looked around confused. 

"She's awake" Ymir smirked. "C'mon sleepy head. Into the closet"
"W-what!? Who picked me!?"
"Calm down. Ask your friend" she placed a hand on her hip.

 (Y/N) looked up at Bertholdt, whose face was completely frozen. In his hand, lay the ring she slipped into the hat. She looked back up at him slowly as he stood up. He swallowed hard and walked into the closet. Ymir had lifted (Y/n) by her arm and dragged her into the closet. As the door was closing, all she could see was Reiner's face. Frozen similar to Bertholdt's.  

The door shut, and left the two in eternal darkness. (Y/N) made her way along the wall, and bumped into who she'd been put in there with. Bertholdt. He grabbed her wrists, but instantly released them once she'd turned around.

"Bertholdt..?" her voice was feint.

"I calculated wrong..."
"'s ok.."

her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and in that moment she'd seen his olive eyes, staring at the ground. She smiled softly, placing a hand to his cheek rubbing the skin gently. She took his cheeks into both hands, caressing them. He held her wrists, closing his eyes. 

"Well...we have six minutes and thirty seconds left..." she mumbled.

Bertholdt looked down at her, as her hands came down to his shoulders. She moved closer to him, pressing his body against the wall, pressing her own against his. 

"Shouldn't we make the most of it..?"
Berthold's heart dropped then and there. He wasn't sure of what to do.

(Y/N) stood up on her tippy toes looking Bertholdt in the eyes, softening her own gaze. He'd never seen such a sentimental, loving side of her. He'd felt a new sensation overcome him.

Comfort. He leaned closer to her, and locked lips with her. He grabbed her hips, pulling her closer, and turned, pressing her body against the wall. His body pressed firmly against hers, pushing her as hard into the wall as he could. He bit at her bottom lip, and she'd willing granted him access, allowing him to slip in his tongue. His hands traveled to her chest, and gripped her breasts softly, continuing to kiss her passionately. (Y/N) let off a soft moan.

His lips disconnected from hers, traveling towards her cheeks, and down to her neck.

"M-more..." she moaned softly under her breath.

Instantly, Bertholdt dragged his tongue against her sweet spot, forcing her to moan out loud. She bit down on her lip, while he abused that spot. Biting, kissing and licking it. Bertholdts hand moved towards the bottom of her sweater dress, grabbing the bottom, raising it slowly. His hand traveled between her legs, but before he could go any further the door opened without warning.

"Well lookie here" Ymir smirked.

Bertholdt paused and lifted his head to look at (Y/N). He smiled faintly, ignoring the coo's and teasing of their classmates. But something was horribly wrong. (Y/N) had a look of sheer terror on her face. 

"(Y/N)...?" Bertholdt reached for her face slowly.

She quickly pulled away and rushed out of the closet, re-adjusting herself as she walked off.

She left the house without speaking a word. Everyone watched as the door closed behind her.

"yeesh...that's awkward.."

Bertholdt began to feel the weight of the world on top of him....

Upon leaving the house, (Y/N) was met with her familiar blonde friend. She stood outside, hands in the pockets of her hoodie.

"I figured you'd want to leave earlier" she said.

(Y/N) gave no response. She stood In place, buckling her legs, fiddling with her fingers.

"You alright?" Annie asked.

"Yeah..I'm fine.." her voice was shaky. 

Annie sighed and wrapped an arm around (Y/N).

"Let's get home.."

I love her more (Reiner x reader x Bertholdt)Where stories live. Discover now