Its not so bad

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(Slight trigger warning also I lost power during this but it came back on, most likely will lose power so here you go loves!!!!)

Nightfall had arrived after what felt like hours. (Y/N) lay in bed between the two sleeping boys, staring up at the plain ceiling of her fathers bedroom. Her eyes wandered to the ticking clock on the wall, ringing in her ears. 2:15 am.  She mentally sighed and sat up, making her way to the edge of the bed. Her bare body immediately greeted by the hot air trapped in the room. Her entire body smelled of a combination between the two boys. She walked into the bathroom, stepping on the cold tile floor, and closed the door behind her. She turned on the shower and stepped inside, disregarding the freezing cold waters, waiting for them to slowly heat up. Her mind lingered for a moment, unsure if her last decisions had been...proper. 

She sighed, removing the thought from her head and continued to wash herself off. 

After she'd finished, she dried off, and threw  on a light blue robe, and left a towel loosely over her wet, silky hair. Returning to the room, she looked at the bed, watching her two lovers sleep peacefully. Bertholdt with half his naked torso up in the air, while Reiner slept normally, laying, facing the ceiling. Though he snored gently. (Y/N) walked towards his side and reached out for the alarm clock for 6:30. It was still a school night. She turned her sight towards the buff blonde and leaned in kissing his cheek softly. She walked to Bertholdts side, and watched him for a moment, admiring his adorable sleeping face. He shifted positions to lay on his side. (Y/N)leaned in kissing his cheek, when suddenly he'd reached for her hand, making his way up her fore arm, and pulled her chest onto his. He then slid his own leg beneath her thigh, encouraging her to slide herself ontop of him. His long, slender fingers wrapped themselves around her hips holding her close against him. 

(Y/N) chuckled.

"Did I wake you..?" she whispered.

"I felt you leave the bed.." he croaked, trying to wake himself. 

"Aww..Sorry love...go back to bed.."

"Are you coming..?"
"No..I'm not tired yet.."
"Then I'm staying up with you"

"But you need your rest.."

"I need you more..."

(Y/N) felt her heart completely melt from those few words. She smiled wide enough to look like a fool. She moved herself from Bertholdt, back onto the floor, and Bertholdt moved with her. He sat up slowly and stretched, then pulled her by her hips towards him. He scooted forward, opening her robe to reveal most of her cleavage, as well as her stomach. He placed his lips to her stomach kissing it softly, then stood pulling her into a tight hug. She smiled into his chest and took hold of his hand, leading him out of the room towards the basement. 

"I wanna show you something.." she whispere,d reaching her fathers workshop.

She opened the door slowly and stepped inside, letting Bertholdt take in everything in front of him. His eyes widened in astonishment. 

"What is all of this..?" he asked.

"My dads office..this is where the magic happens" she giggled nervously.

(Y/N) sat down in the main chair, and pulled one from under the desk for Bertholdt.

"Sit" she patted the seat, politely inviting him.

Bertholdt moved closer, and sat down in the chair cautiously. he looked around, not paying attention to his lovers actions.

He looked back over to her and smiled a bit at the small, unfinished creation in her hands.

"Is that..another one..?" he asked seeming interested.

"New droid I'm working on.."

It was small, about the same height as Juno. Long hair the same shade of a sunflower. Only one eye was in its socket, as the other was empty and black like a void. The circuits and wiring inside were all visible in the empty socket. The single eye was the same shade as the hair, and shaped slightly depressed. No mouth had been created, and the body was limp and lifeless. A metallic corpse, yet to be animated. 

"I was going to name him Adrian..."

"It's a nice there a reason...?"

"...Adrian was supposed to be the name of my younger brother.."
"What happened..if I may ask.."

(Y/N) remained silent for a second. She fluttered her lashes for a moment, letting a falling tear dry on the lashes. Her fingers clasped tighter around the droid while her heart raced at the very memory.

"He didn't make it..."

Bertholdt paused, unsure of what to say...(Y/N) looked down at her lap, taking a deep breath. Her body felt hot, as her eyes began to feel wet again. A few tears threatened to fall from her eyes. 

"I....I'm sorry...." Bertholdt mumbled pathetically. 

"That's life...nothing you can really do..." she pulled a weak smile to her lips and turned to Bertholdt. "It's not so bad you know..."


"I'm a bit blessed....after all..I've got you and Reiner..." 

Bertholdt didn't hesitate to pull her into a hug. (Y/N) smiled, placing her mouth into the crook of his neck. 

"I love you.." she mumbled.

"I love you to..."

I love her more (Reiner x reader x Bertholdt)Where stories live. Discover now