Conflict (Bertholdt's ending part 2)

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Reverberating sound of rain fall fell over the bar. (Y/N) sat in a booth, just across from a dry Marcel. A single cup in their hands.(Y/N) took a sip of her liquor, while Marcel stared down at his own glass, swirling it in his hand. The large circular ice form inside melting as time passed.

" is he..?" finally she'd spoken and broken the silence.

"Bert? Oh, yeah hes fine...sorta.."
"Tell me the truth" 

"Ah...he's not in the best shape...kinda torn apart actually.."

"That's what I expected.."

"Can you answer me a question?"

"Of course.."

"...Why did you push him away.."

(Y/N) sighed, setting her cup down. Her eyes softened as she stared down at the wooden table. 

"I didn't have the intention at the have to understand..I was upset.."
"Why didn't you talk to them about it then? Do you have any idea what that's done to them? Reiner refuses to leave his house, and Bertholdt's a mess! They're completely torn about this whole situation. I'm surprise they still care so much. Honestly, how could you be so heartless to them?"

"You're right.."

"I am heartless.."

Marcel sighed,immediately regretting his words.

"I didn't mean to hurt them..Honest. You have to understand, at the time, I was just...I don't know..."

"What happened that made you avoid them..?"
"...I was..informed.."

"Informed...? By who..and about what..?"
"There's a friend of mine from school. She told me..everything, about them"

Marcel's eyes widened at the very word 'everything'. 

"What do you mean...'everything'."

"She told me about their past affections. Annie and Christa..."

"Annie..? Christa..?"

"Annie used to be Bertholdt's crush, and Christa was Reiner's crush..until I showed up at least. She also told me that I was just a crutch that they fell back on as a means to get over them. I feel like...I was used. Like the only reason they so called, 'cared' for me, is because they didn't get a chance with them"

"Who exactly told you that..?"


The door of the bar opened, and the bell rang with a soft chime. Rain fall echoed out loud through the bar, as the door opened. It silenced just barely as the door shut. 

"Hello?" a female voice called through the bar.


Ymir looked around, when finally her eyes landed on who had called her name. She sneered at the very person before her.


"Good to see you again..."he lied.

"What do you want? I don't have time for people like you"
"You say it like we're different from each other"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just saying, watch what you say to me"
"Is that supposed to be some kind of a threat? I'll let you know now you aren't something to fear in the slightest buddy, as a matter of fact-"
"Shut it would you? I didn't bring you here to argue."
"Then why did you call me huh?"

I love her more (Reiner x reader x Bertholdt)Where stories live. Discover now