Jackie Kenya.

23 4 3

My breathing begins to labor, I keep running dodging the zombies and pushing them away as I hold my left hand over the bullet shot on my ride side. I have to stop the bleeding... and soon.

I spot a gas station not too far away, that's my best shot.

I can hear gun shots behind me... Manami isn't too far behind. She's going to kill me for what I've done, I push open the door to the gas station and close it behind me... Luckily none of the zombies saw me go in and walked past the station.

The pain is becoming unbearable.

I slouch against the door to keep it shut, and rip the sleeve off my right arm to tie around my waist, over the wound. The blood gradually begins to flow less, but my shirt is still soaked. I can feel myself going light-headed.

How did I end up here?

Oh. That's right...

I had an actual group once... Maybe a few months after all this started. I was in a group of about 24 people, including me.

My most trusted friend, Ross. He usually went with me on runs, but he was really close with his older brother, Emre, the "Leader" of our group.

Emre was the best leader you could get and Ross followed in his older brother's lead. Emre always put others before himself, he was an ex-marine and was trained and brought up to be that way. It was basically in his nature.

Ross however, was a scientist. Now he wasn't exactly the scientists that created this mess, but he's been studying for a cure ever since.

I was one of the 6 females in the group, the other woman were older than me by at least a decade so I was the youngest and went out on most of the runs for supplies.

I remember everything like it was yesterday.

It was a normal morning, well... As normal as it could get in the apocalypse. The base was quiet, the only people up was Carrie and Jason and they were on watch. I wake up with a yawn and stretch, I always kept my weapons beside my bed. Just in case.

A knock at my door was what woke me up and a voice.

"Hey Jackie you up?"

It was Ross.

"I am now!" I reply, quietly to not wake up the others, it was dawn and I'm pretty sure the others here could really use the sleep.

"Can you be ready for a run in 15 minutes? That's when I'm heading out and I'd like you to be with me"

"All good, I'll meet you at the front gate?"

"See you there!"

Ross replied before I heard his footsteps indicate he had left.

Better get ready I guess. I head for the small bathroom, each of the group members had a small apartment, we live in a fenced area with apartments inside, the fences are 2 meters high and made of large metal bars which we've placed large metal sheets across to stop light from passing through.

I grab a fresh pair of clothes, my trusty jeans and grey long sleeved shirt. I swiftly get changed and put on my boots, taking my rifle and silencer from beside my bed, applying the silencer to said rifle before heading out the front door.

I see Ross talking to Carrie and Jason on watch duty, I head down the stairwell and towards the front gate, towards Ross.

"Well, let's get going shall we?"

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