Kill off the Rest

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"That was a pretty successful trip if I do say so myself!" I say to the man next to me as we heave boxes into the back of the car.

"Okay all credit goes to you Jackie, the warehouse was a good idea" Ross smiles.

I close the car door with the quietest slam I could manage.

"Let's get going Jackie"

"Alright" I reply as I head to the passenger's seat, Ross sits beside me in the driver's seat, turning on the engine and putting on his seatbelt.

"You still wear seatbelts?" I ask the tanned man.

"You never know what'll happen and I don't know about you but I try to keep memories of humanity as much as I can even if that means obeying the law" Ross replies as he turns the car around back to base.

I smile at his morals, he hasn't seemed to have broken just yet. One day, this apocalypse will break him, whether it be the dead... or the living. But the guy doesn't deserve to be broken by this world, he'd lost just about everything and everyone, except his brother.

I continue to stare out the window as we drove back to base, a lone snarler stumbled past a gas station, hearing our car drive past, making a poor attempt at following us however was simply left stumbling in the distance.

The sun was at its peak point, midday. My stomach rumbled, Ross turned his head a little at the noise.

"When we get back we'll be able to have a can that we just scavenged" Ross offers to me with a small smile as he keeps one hand on the wheel, using the other to lift is slightly too big glasses up his face.

"Sounds good" I couldn't wait, I had a particular can in mind... butter chicken.

My stomach rumbled once again at the thought. We've been living on home grown peaches at base, they're good but- not exciting anymore.

We turned at a corner, back onto the street our base is located on. Ahead, three mysterious vans was parked at front, each with a spray painted symbol along the side of it. The vans were empty.

Ross slowed the car down to park us down the street a little further.

I whisper over to Ross;

"Are these vans ours? I've never seen them before"

Ross simply stayed silent, confusion was written on his face, he then realised the question I asked.

"No, they aren't ours... I've seen a van like one of these before though"

We both are silent, we take hold of our weapons and exit the car as quietly as we can. We can hear some yelling coming from the base.

Emre's voice and a few others I don't recognise.

We sneak closer towards the base. We quietly leaned onto the fence and listened.

We hear a woman's voice...

"I don't want to hurt any of you fine people but if that's what it's going to take for me to get my hands on that scientist then that's what I'll do!"

Ross' eyes go wide, his brows furrow.

We both go rigid.

Ross turns to me and whispers;

"I have to turn myself in..."

"No! Let's just... see what we're dealing with okay?" I whisper back.

We scale the fence and peak over the fence.

A large group surrounds ours, with guns pointed to their heads... At front, a woman with creamy brown, short hair. She's wearing a dark denim jacket with spikes pointing from the collar with ripped sleeves. She's wearing oversized jeans being held up with a tight belt.

In her right hand she holds a hand gun, with her left hand on her hip.

"Emre, Emre, Emre... You better tell me where your brother is~"

Emre's face contorts with surprise and horror.

"H-how do you... know all of that?"

The woman smirks, she begins to give a low almost-evil laugh. She slowly begins to circle Emre slowly.

"We've been watching you for a while now... You see- we watch groups, observe... we study the strongest and most valuable members, then when the time is right- we strike."

She stops in front of him.

"We take the strong and smart... take your belongings... kill off the rest"

In every pause she took a step, circling back around to stand behind Emre.

She leans in to Emre's right ear and whispers;

"So Emre... where's your brother?"

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